Photo credit: Flickr - Matteo X


Excerpts taken from The Parksville Qualicum Beach News

Island Scallops, a shellfish producer on Vancouver Island, Canada, laid off staff after losing a 10 million scallop harvest due to high acid levels in the Georgia Strait.

CEO Rob Saunders said the company suffered a $10 million loss. He said it takes three years from hatchery to harvest and the company lost all the scallops put into the ocean over the last three years.

In January 2013, Island Scallops had 10 million scallops in the water and by July 2013, they had lost 95 percent of the crop. Saunders said it is happening worldwide. He said he had little hope the scallop or the oyster industries could survive.

Animals, fish and birds have been dying in huge masses since just before the 2010 New Year. The Bible says,

“Therefore shall the land mourn and everyone that dwells in it shall languish, with the beasts of the field and the fowls of heaven, yes, the fishes of the sea also shall be taken away” Hosea 4:3.

Hosea prophesied concerning the latter days, just before the return of the Lord. We know that we are certainly approaching that hour because of this, as well as the fulfillment of other Bible prophesies.

Visit the Animal Deaths category of this page to read about just some of the widespread animal, bird and fish deaths globally.

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