by Laura Hibbard (excerpts):  A 13-year-old female student was beaten so badly by seven students between the ages of 12 and 15 that she was left unconscious on the school bus Friday morning, the Ocala Star-Banner reports.  The teens are students at Marion Oaks Elementary School in Ocala, Florida.  The victim was taken to a hospital where she was treated for a concussion, "severe bruising" on her head and muscle spasms.  According to the report, Deputy Larry McArdle interviewed the victim, who said it was her first day riding the bus and none of the children would let her sit down.  She went on to tell McArdle that someone threw a shoe at her and when she threw it back, she was attacked by several students.  The bus driver noticed the fighting and stopped the bus, the Associated Press reports, but the fight began again as soon as the driver continued his route.  He called authorities once they arrived at school.  

Commentary:  Okay, so not only do you have mass child molestation going on throughout the country by teachers who are sexually abusing their students (see prior posts and the link to a very long partial list [only including names beginning with A - E] of the many female teachers accused/convicted in the US: Teacher list), but children aren't even safe riding a bus to school.  Did you notice that when the fighting started the second time, the bus driver didn't even stop the bus to assist the child being beaten unconscious?  He "continued his route" and didn't call authorities until "they arrived at school."  These kids could have killed this child and the driver just kept driving!  You would think that he would have enough sense to stop the bus and pull those kids off of this child and call authorities immediately.  No, he kept driving and when he finally arrived at the school, the poor child was unconscious and severely beaten!  This is a crime, but nothing was mentioned in the article about the crime committed by the driver!  The Bible tells us that "perilous times shall come" (2 Timothy 3:1) - they are here!  I will say it again, the Word of God has a remedy for this type of evil, "Lay up My Words in your heart and in your soul and bind them for a sign upon your hand, that they may be as frontlets between your eyes.  Teach them to your children, speaking of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way, when you lie down and when you rise up" Deuteronomy 11:18-19.  God instructed His people to teach their own children, not send them off to ungodly strangers, who are possibly evil people, to teach them every day.  If you would like information on how to home educate your child(ren), please visit the Home Education page of this website.  God bless you.