15 Year Old Girl Sentenced to 60 Public Lashings for Speaking to Men
Posted by L A on Tuesday, October 16, 2012 Under: Crimes Against Humanity
A 15-year-old girl was sentenced to 60 public lashings in Mali under Sharia law for speaking with men in the street. The public whipping took place in Timbuktu at about 11 am Monday local time, next to Independence Square.
Next to "Independence Square;" what a mockery and an outrage!
The Mali government defended its actions by reporting that the girl was warned five times. Imagine that, since the government supposedly warns this girl five times, they "have a ticket to torture her!" Of course, the men received no punishment for talking to the girl.
This is torture, plain and simple. Lashings under Sharia law are administered with a leather strap with metal inserts. This type of lashing leaves horrible scarring and causes immense pain. It is a wonder that anyone can even survive such pain. It has been reported that people pass out because of the horrendous pain, but that would only be a temporary blessing.
The manner in which our president and Hillary Clinton "hob-knob" and party with Islamic diplomats, presidents, kings and prime ministers of Sharia countries, such as Afghanistan, Mali, Egypt, Lebanon, Tunisia, Iran, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, etc, is absolutely disgusting and despicable! The fact that the United Nations allows any one of the many nations, which practice Sharia law, membership - in good standing no less - is worse than disgusting and it only shows how useless the United Nations is; which is why I commonly refer to it as the "UUN."
Our government leaders and the United Nations should be outraged, condemn and disengage themselves with all nations that practice such barbaric torture! Unbelievably enough, this is just mild compared to the stonings, beheadings, dismemberment, etc. To add abominations to the injury, they are teaching children to cut peoples' heads off, etc. Their youth are growing up to be as barbaric as the adults in those nations. How tragic.
Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, in fact, warm up to Muslim "diplomats" and cater to them, as does the United Nations delegates, because they (Muslims) have oil, and clout because of their "liquid gold;" it all boils down to money. Our nation, the US, could be producing our own oil, but there is a conspiracy to purchase it from these other nations, which is just another elitist New World Order agenda instigated by the bankers in our nation and throughout the world. The bankers cater to the oil giants for money and resources and they could care less who these Muslim nations torture in the name of their "god."
This is the type of conspiracy that will eventually bring about a dictatorial world government, which is revealed in the book of Revelation and other scriptures. This world dictator is named the "Antichrist" in the Bible, and if you think lashings and beheadings are cruel, you haven't seen anything yet.
Jesus said, "Then there will be tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be" Matthew 24:21. That means, literally, that it will be worse than it was during Hitler's holocaust, Stalin, Ivan the Terrible, you name it.
There are even "religious leaders" today who despise this message, this warning to the world that the Antichrist will come and that the world is headed for the worst tribulation and wrath of God ever poured out on the face of the earth, because of profound evil in the world.
Jesus was actually crucified because of the truths He spoke; Daniel was thrown into the lions den; John was boiled in oil for his message. God has commissioned me to "sound the alarm" in these last days and that's what I must do, until I leave this world.
Are you ready to stand before God and give an account of the life you have led on this earth? Jesus died and shed His precious blood for our sins, cleansing us (those who repent and receive Him) from all unrighteousness. If you haven't received Jesus as your Lord and Savior, please visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this website. Salvation is simple - it's only a prayer away. God bless you.
Next to "Independence Square;" what a mockery and an outrage!
The Mali government defended its actions by reporting that the girl was warned five times. Imagine that, since the government supposedly warns this girl five times, they "have a ticket to torture her!" Of course, the men received no punishment for talking to the girl.
This is torture, plain and simple. Lashings under Sharia law are administered with a leather strap with metal inserts. This type of lashing leaves horrible scarring and causes immense pain. It is a wonder that anyone can even survive such pain. It has been reported that people pass out because of the horrendous pain, but that would only be a temporary blessing.
The manner in which our president and Hillary Clinton "hob-knob" and party with Islamic diplomats, presidents, kings and prime ministers of Sharia countries, such as Afghanistan, Mali, Egypt, Lebanon, Tunisia, Iran, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, etc, is absolutely disgusting and despicable! The fact that the United Nations allows any one of the many nations, which practice Sharia law, membership - in good standing no less - is worse than disgusting and it only shows how useless the United Nations is; which is why I commonly refer to it as the "UUN."
Our government leaders and the United Nations should be outraged, condemn and disengage themselves with all nations that practice such barbaric torture! Unbelievably enough, this is just mild compared to the stonings, beheadings, dismemberment, etc. To add abominations to the injury, they are teaching children to cut peoples' heads off, etc. Their youth are growing up to be as barbaric as the adults in those nations. How tragic.
Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, in fact, warm up to Muslim "diplomats" and cater to them, as does the United Nations delegates, because they (Muslims) have oil, and clout because of their "liquid gold;" it all boils down to money. Our nation, the US, could be producing our own oil, but there is a conspiracy to purchase it from these other nations, which is just another elitist New World Order agenda instigated by the bankers in our nation and throughout the world. The bankers cater to the oil giants for money and resources and they could care less who these Muslim nations torture in the name of their "god."
This is the type of conspiracy that will eventually bring about a dictatorial world government, which is revealed in the book of Revelation and other scriptures. This world dictator is named the "Antichrist" in the Bible, and if you think lashings and beheadings are cruel, you haven't seen anything yet.
Jesus said, "Then there will be tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be" Matthew 24:21. That means, literally, that it will be worse than it was during Hitler's holocaust, Stalin, Ivan the Terrible, you name it.
There are even "religious leaders" today who despise this message, this warning to the world that the Antichrist will come and that the world is headed for the worst tribulation and wrath of God ever poured out on the face of the earth, because of profound evil in the world.
Jesus was actually crucified because of the truths He spoke; Daniel was thrown into the lions den; John was boiled in oil for his message. God has commissioned me to "sound the alarm" in these last days and that's what I must do, until I leave this world.
Are you ready to stand before God and give an account of the life you have led on this earth? Jesus died and shed His precious blood for our sins, cleansing us (those who repent and receive Him) from all unrighteousness. If you haven't received Jesus as your Lord and Savior, please visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this website. Salvation is simple - it's only a prayer away. God bless you.
Tags: "girl whipped in mali" "girl lashed in mali"