3 Die of Rare Brain Infection From Amoeba In Water
Posted by Leisa Amorosa on Thursday, August 18, 2011 Under: Pestilences
Associated Press: Atlanta, GA - Two children and a young man have died this summer from a brain-eating amoeba that lives in water, health officials say. This month, the rare infection killed a 16-year-old Florida girl, who fell ill after swimming, and a nine-year-old Virginia boy, who died a week after he went to a fishing day camp. The boy had been dunked the first day of camp, his mother told the Richmond Times-Dispatch. Those cases are consistent with past cases, which are usually kids - often boys - who get exposed to the bug while swimming or doing water sports in warm ponds or lakes. The third case, in Louisiana, was more unusual. It was a young man whose death in June was traced to tap water he used in a device called a neti pot. It's a small teapot-shaped container used to rinse out the nose and sinuses with salt water to relieve allergies, colds and sinus trouble. Health officials later found the amoeba in the home's water system. The problem was confined to the house; it wasn't found in city water samples, said Dr. Raoult Ratard, Louisiana's state epidemiologist. The young man, who was only identified as in his 20s and from southeast Louisiana, had not been swimming nor been in contact with surface water, Ratard added. He said only sterile, distilled or boiled water should be used in neti pots. The illness is extremely rare. About 120 US cases, almost all of them deaths, have been reported since the amoeba was identified in the early 1960s, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. About three deaths are reported each year on average; last year there were four. There are no signs that cases are increasing, said Jonathan Joder, who coordinates surveillance of waterborne diseases for the CDC. The amoeba - Naeglaria fowleri - gets up the nose, burrows up into the scull and destroys brain tissue. It's found in warm lakes and rivers during the hot summer months, mostly in the South. It's a medical mystery why some people who swim in amoeba-containing water get the fatal nervous system condition while many others don't, experts say. The cases that do occur tend to be tragic and there's only been one report of successful treatment. "It's very difficult to treat; most people die from it," Ratard said.
Commentary: Since health officials have stated that this is a very rare disease, I find it especially interesting that three cases have popped up suddenly only since June of this year. Jesus said, "Nation will rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places" Matthew 24:7. With the great storms hitting the earth, recent tsunamis, famines in Asia and Africa, and so many pestilences showing up, we should know, according to Jesus Christ, that we are living in the last days. Are you ready to face the Lord if He returned for His people today, or if it's your time to leave this world today? If not, I would like to invite you to visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this website. God bless you.
In : Pestilences
Tags: "3 die from brain infections" "3 die from amoeba in water"