This conservative estimate includes the number of Californians whose insurance plans are not “grandfathered” into Obamacare and will, therefore, be canceled by the year’s end, or by 2014, according to the

Sarah Palin has repeatedly and publicly announced that "people will die," if this healthcare law is passed, she wasn’t kidding and she knew what she was talking about, so did many others.

On the far left, you had Nancy Pelosi saying completely idiotic things like, “We need to pass the law, so we can find out what’s in it!?!?” Does that make sense, even to a child?

The law was passed and our legislators didn’t have a clue what was in the bill, which brings us to another blatant lie Obama told during his presidential campaign. He promised no bill would be passed, if he was elected president, until the public and Congress had time to read them. He promised that every bill would be published on the internet two weeks for the public to read before he would ever sign them. Obama, on the other hand, has pushed this law so quickly that Congress didn’t have time to read it, the healthcare exchanges didn’t have time to prepare for the influx of people across America that would apply for insurance, nor was the Obamacare website ready, and it crashed miserably, but Obama and his cohorts keep telling people everything will be alright, and if they can’t sign up online, just apply by phone. That hasn’t worked either for many who have tried.

Has he even hinted of delaying the deadline and penalty for not signing up, to alleviate some of the intolerable stress people are dealing with, who already have cancellation notices from their health insurers? No! Why do you suppose that is? One word: Obmadon’tcare!!!!!!

Sarah Palin has also done what she can to expose the Obamadon’tcare “death panels,” who, without medical licensure or expertise, will decide who lives and dies based on the medical cost and the "social value" of a person; whereby the aged and seriously ill, it seems, would end up without treatment on a “nay” vote.

Surprisingly, former Democratic National Committee chair Howard Dean agrees with Palin on that issue and stated, “rationing bodies” exist in the healthcare law and he wants them abolished.

Obama denies the “death panels;” but he also said, “If you like your health insurance, you can keep your health insurance.” He bears no credibility after that statement, as well as many other untruths, which appear to have been blatant lies.

Senator Ted Cruz announced last month at the “Exempt America from Obamacare” rally, that Obamacare is “the number one job killer” in America, reported Mail Online News.

This is, in fact, the largest Illuminati scam since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, whereby megabankers took control of the United States currency, effectively robbing Americans of their gold and silver, after the Silver Certificates were replaced by FR notes, essentially nothing – just paper, and they continue to rob the American people of their wealth today. Barack Obama was funded by the megabankers and, thanks to George Soros’s voting machines, set him in the White House for a second term.

All of what has been happening in America and around the world will soon lead to this:

“He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads, that no man might buy or sell, save he who had the mark, the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man and his number is six hundred, sixty-six” Revelation 13:16-18.  

We are living in the “beast system era,” folks, and a mark, most likely an RFID chip, will not only be implemented for healthcare “security,” but it will be used as a global cashless monetary system.

A man by the name of Aaron Russo, a former friend of one of the Rockefellers, blew the whistle on the megabankers' plans to implement an RFID chip monetary system. He, Russo, is now dead (coincidence?), by the way.

Russo didn’t like what his “friends” were doing to the American people, so he separated himself from the Rockefellers and he went about to warn people of their sinister plans. His message was in no way religious-based and he mentions nothing about Bible prophecy in his videotaped interviews.

Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth? If not, please visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this website. Your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.