Now, just what kind of medical care did you believe you would receive under the Socialist-Marxist, dictatorial Obamacare plan?  I would have guessed you might at least get "free clinic" type help, but unless Obama threatens to arrest and imprison all of those who decide to leave the medical profession, it may be "zero" type help before it's all over.

According to a survey taken by the Doctor Patient Medical Association, 83 percent of America's physicians have considered quitting the medical profession since Obamacare was passed. 

On their website,, you can read a very interesting report on the facts from the doctors' perspective:
"When a store pulls a 'bait and switch,' it's called fraud.  The store is likely to be prosecuted, pay hefty fines, and will bend over backward to keep its bad behavior from public view; but when the government does it, it's called 'healthcare reform,' and it pays public relations people millions to promote it, and we taxpayers foot the bill for the whole shebang.  What the group of largely young people cheering outside the Supreme Court don't understand is that the only thing they have won is the right to a piece of paper that says they are "insured."  That's not the same as real medical care."

This is just an excerpt of information and facts you'll find on their website about the real Obamacare.

With Obamacare, we are now officially headed down that very dark road of Socialism.  We had signs and symbols before, but this "welfare state - free medical clinic" healthplan, put the first nail in America's coffin. 

The Bible says, "When we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat" 2 Thessalonians 3:10.  The Apostle John was not talking about the elderly or disabled.  He spoke of men who wanted to join in the feasts, but had no desire to work.  The Word of God promotes providing for poor and those who are not able to sustain themselves, "Oppress not the widow, the fatherless, the stranger, or the poor, and let none of you imagine evil in his heart against his brother" Zechariah 7:10.

Most of this nation doesn't need a "hand-out" or "free clinic heathcare."  To say that the entire nation needs to be on the "welfare medical program" (except the president and Congress, of course) is actually a very sinister plan to turn this nation into a welfare state, Socialist-Marxist regime.  When the elitist bankers literally implode the US economy, on purpose (after the elections, of course), exactly as they did in 1929, they will have disarmed and defused you to a certain degree with your "free clinic medical welfare" and whatever else they can hatch until then. 

Do you believe Obama has been helpless to create jobs in the nation?  Absolutely not!  The Canadian Keystone XL pipeline would have created 250,000 new jobs in the US, but Obama naturally put his foot on that idea and twisted it into the ground, real quick!  Why?  Because he is purposefully busting the nation.  Yes, Obama is crashing the US on purpose.  Let me put it another way, Obama is D-E-S-T-R-O-Y-I-N-G this nation deliberately.  A Socialist-Marxist dictator cannot rule and reign, unless he SUBDUES the people. 

Congressman Allen West (R-FL) said it correctly, "Obama wants to make Americans his slaves."  Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX) has said as much.  These are not sick, stupid, raving maniacs on the street.  These are CONGRESSMEN, folks!  They are about the only two bold enough to stand up and say the truth about what's going on in Washington; but sadly, America is not listening!  Just as the Romans weren't listening when that powerful kingdom turned into, literally, a welfare state.  Yes, that powerful kingdom that no other nation could defeat, went "belly-up" because of the luxurious spending of the Roman population (like America today), the unequal weights of buying and selling (like American bankers today), and the lust of the elite to rule over the poor (like the elitists in America who are actually running the nation today).  The same exact thing is going on here in the US, right now, but much of America is asleep. 

The Bible says, "Woe to those who are at ease in Zion (God's people)" Amos 6:1.