Examiner.com (excerpts):  Within the past week, 91 whales have died from two mass strandings in New Zealand and Australia, despite rescue efforts by wildlife authorities.  On the South Island of New Zealand at a location known as Farewell Split, 65 pilot whales perished; while at Ocean Beach, Tasmania, two minke whales and 24 sperm whales died.  

 Commentary:  It is very rare for mass strandings to occur in this manner (eu.wikipedia.org).  Scientists do not know the reason for these and other strandings and there is much speculation.  Nevertheless, regardless of the reasons presumed, mass animal and fish deaths were foretold by the prophet Hosea concerning the last days, "The land will mourn and everyone that dwells in it will languish, with the beasts of the field, the fowls of heaven, yes, the fishes of the sea will also be taken away" Hosea 4:3.