A Message from God is a book based on the true story of a 12-year-old boy who suffered a near death experience and went to heaven.  Aldo Mc Pherson was involved in a terrible accident at the age of 12, suffering a severe head injury.  Aldo was in a coma for about a month and doctors did not expect him to recover; then, by a miracle from God, he emerged to consciousness.  Doctors were consistently giving grievous prognoses; "he will never be able to sit, stand or walk."  Nevertheless, Aldo's mother, Retha Mc Pherson, received divine revelations from God during Aldo's recovery.  God anointed her with great faith and she began to speak nothing but healing and recovery over Aldo's broken body, while suffering the criticism of others; but she continued in her faith.  Today, Aldo can walk, talk, and eat on his own.  His left eye is still closed, but he and his mother believe God for the complete healing of this eye also.  During his recovery, when he was only able to write to his mother, he told her one day about two boys he had met in heaven.  They asked Aldo to give their parents a message, that they were in heaven and they do not want their parents to worry about them.  Aldo also gave his mother the address of the boys in order to contact their parents!  Aldo met Jesus and spoke with him throughout the time he remained in a coma.  Jesus told Aldo that He "is coming soon!"  The book is phenomenal and uplifting.  I have no doubt that anyone who reads it is sure to experience the spiritual strength and encouragement I gained from this incredible story. 

I believe that Aldo's experience is one of the last days "signs in the earth," demonstrating the Lord's soon return.  "I will show wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, fire and vapor of smoke" Acts 2:19.  Another boy, three-year-old Colton Burpo, suffered a near death experience.  After his recovery, he told his parents about speaking to Jesus in heaven and how Jesus told him He "is coming soon!"  His father, Todd Burpo, wrote a book, Heaven is for Real, an account of his son's experience in heaven.  I have read both books and they are remarkable!  I highly recommend both.  "It will come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh, and your sons and your daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams" Acts 2:17.