These children are being trained to kill. Their childhood has been erased:

Children in Afghanistan are being trained as young as five years old how to handle and shoot AK-47s and pistols at terror training camps.
Children there have been filmed using pistols, AK-47s and machine guns. They are barely bigger than the assault rifles they grasp clumsily in their hands, reported Mail Online.

Meanwhile, many people have surrendered their guns to police in the United States, one man stating, "I don't need it," after the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre. While the Obama administration is working hard to disarm Americans, an entirely new generation of children are training to kill us in terror camps at the Pakistan-Afghanistan border.

The Boston Marathon terrorists were, no doubt, at some point among children such as these at terror training camps.

The Bible tells us that the nations surrounding Israel caused terror in the prophet Ezekiel's day,

"There is Meshech, Tubal and all her multitude; her graves are round about him, all of them uncircumcised (not Jews), slain by the sword, though they caused their terror in the land of the living..." Ezekiel 32:26.

Ezekiel 38-39 tells us that in the "latter years," the same nations surrounding Israel will come again to take Jerusalem, but the Lord will destroy them as they come.

We are seeing these nations threaten and launch rockets into Israel and they have also inflicted terror on the citizens of the United States. According to Bible prophecy, the Lord will return to defeat these nations for the last time, then set up His righteous kingdom on earth (Ezekiel 38-48, Revelation 20).

According to the prophecies concerning Christ's return in the latter days (Matthew 24), as well as the events unfolding in the Middle East, we can see that we are rapidly approaching that time.

If you aren't saved, please visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this website. Your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.

For the whole story and photos, see Mail Online's "Al Qaeda's Boy Commandos."