Hillary and towel-headed terrorist friends
 Israel Today (excerpts):  There are two pillars that continue to hold aloft terrorist activity as an attractive proposition for Palestinian Arabs, and to keep the practice of murdering Jews a mainstream affair.  The first is the cultural glorification of Palestinians who have murdered Jews, or who have died trying.  This is especially prevalent among Palestinian children who are used to having their schools, soccer teams and summer camps named after such "heroes."  Second is the knowledge that if one survives carrying out a terrorist attack, there will be few, if any, serious consequences, and many rewards.  The most obvious reward is that the killer, or would-be killer, will be held as a champion of his or her people.  Perhaps even more compelling, at least for some, is that the terrorist and his or her family will suddenly come into what amounts to a financial windfall in this region.  The maintenance of these two pillars of the Palestinian terrorism industry is made possible in large part by American taxpayers.  On Tuesday, Itamar Marcus of Palestinian Media Watch explained to US Congressional leaders how financial aid from America, Israel's greatest ally, is being cynically used to encourage the slaughter of Israeli Jews.  Marcus first outlined what most should know by now - that the Palestinian Authority spends a huge amount of money honoring terrorists in the most public fashion.  He also highlighted for the lawmakers a fact that most media outlets choose to ignore - that the Palestinian authority pays a generous monthly salary to nearly all of the Palestinian terrorists sitting in Israeli jails and provides many of their families with financial support.  All of these activities - the glorification of terror and the financial backing of the terrorists themselves are funded by the PA's general budget.  All of this costs a lot of money, especially paying the salary of terrorist prisoners, which comes to 5.2 million every month!  As such, these expenses are heavily dependent on incoming foreign aid.  The Palestinian Authority roughly receives 1.5 billion in foreign aid every year.  The US contributes about $200 - $300 million in direct budget assistance, and another $400 million in other forms of assistance and investment.  Marcus reminded his Congressional hosts that it is a violation of US federal law to provide financial assistance to a terrorist or terror-supporting entity; but Marcus was largely "preaching to the choir."  A week earlier, Congressional leaders had put forward a bill that would end US financial aid to Pakistan, Lebanon, Egypt, Yemen, and the Palestinian Authority unless they met a list of stringent requirements.  In the case of Lebanon, Congress insists that the terrorist militia Hizballah cannot hold positions of political power.  Hizballah currently dominates the Lebanese cabinet!  As far as the Palestinians are concerned, Congress wants them to immediately cease all of the nefarious activities Marcus outlined.  Fully aware that these nations are never going to meet these conditions - in other words, are never going to stop supporting terrorism - US State Secretary Hillary Clinton lashed out at Congress.  "The new bill would be debilitating to my efforts to carry out a considered foreign policy and diplomacy, and to use foreign assistance strategically to that end," Clinton wrote in a letter to Congressional leaders.  Years ago, when she was a humble Senator from New York, Clinton stood beside Marcus as he presented a worrying analysis of the anti-Jewish Palestinian school curriculum.  Clinton staunchly supported Marcus and demanded reform in the Palestinian education system.  It would seem she no longer holds those convictions.  

Commentary:  "Clinton no longer holds those convictions."  That is correct.  In fact, if you will notice.  Anyone who gets close enough to the White House administration or Barack Hussein Obama, will bow down, kiss the feet and lay down for the PA to walk right over them, yes, stepping and crunching them right into the ground!  What a goon she has turned out to be, the closer she gets to Obama!  My first question here is, What do we have to do with Palestinians and their terrorist causes anyway?  Why are we sending hundreds of millions of dollars to these terrorists, while our nation is bankrupt and Barack Hussein Obama consistently threatens to cut Social Security and Medicaid from our elderly and poor, if he doesn't get the blank check he wants to support his terrorist friends?!!  This is insanity!  "Meet a list of stringent requirements?"  This is ludicrous!  Of course they are going to act as though they would meet any list of "stringent" requirements necessary to get our money; how stupid!  Terrorists don't tell the truth, and those who aid terrorists don't tell the truth either!  

 As I was typing this article, before I finished, I scooted over to another window and brought up the home page of my Congressman.  I sent him an email asking that he not support the Palestinian Authority, which supports terrorists against Israel and our own nation!  I explained that a very secondary reason is that our nation should not support any Middle Eastern political cause because our own nation is bankrupt.  If enough US citizens go to the home page of their Congressman and write an email, they may listen.  Please don't wait; let your voice be heard today.  If you don't know who your Congressman is, just write "who is my Congressman" into your search engine and you can select a government website that will allow you to put in your city, state, and zip code to locate your Congressman's home page.  Every Congressman allows you the opportunity to send him/her an email from the home page.  If bankrupt America gives one dollar to aid anyone, I wonder why we aren't making such efforts to provide food and water to those that are literally dropping dead of thirst and hunger in the dirt roads of the Horn of Africa.  Contrarily, I don't see anyone in Gaza or the Middle East dropping dead of hunger.  What in the world is wrong with the lame brains that run this nation?  I think because many of them have turned away from God, they can't make a wise decision.  "It is written, 'I (God) will destroy the wisdom of the wise and bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent" I Corinthians 1:19.  Wisdom comes from God Almighty and without Him, all become

"The eyes of the Lord search throughout the whole earth to show Himself strong in behalf of those whose heart is perfect toward Him.  You have been foolish in this manner, therefore, you will have wars from now on" 2 Chronicles 16:9.  God was speaking to Israel at the time, but the same rules apply to us today.  If we, as a nation, seek God first, with a pure heart, God will intervene and raise up this nation and resolve the problems we have today.  The reason this nation, as a whole, is toppling today is because most of the peoples have forgotten God.  I'm not worried, nor should any other faithful servant of God worry; because in the midst of the storm, God will protect His own people ("A thousand will fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand, but danger will not come near to you" Psalm 91:7).