Barack Hussein Obama Said "America Wants Israel to Relinquish Borders to Pre-1967 Lines"
Posted by Leisa Amorosa on Thursday, May 19, 2011 Under: Prophecy
Fox News: President Barack Hussein Obama backed Palestinians in urging Israel to pull back to 1967 borders, preceding the Six Day War during his speech today. His very naive and ridiculous proposal would set Israel back to an eight mile border, from its current 45 miles, which would leave Israel indefensible.
My Comments: Of course, any idiot would know that and this is exactly what Barack Hussein Obama wants, along with the Muslim terrorists for this deal - an indefensible Israel! Furthermore, Barack Obama said that "The United States believes the borders of Israel and Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines....," which is a blatant LIE, and he very well knows it! How dare this rouge president, who has absolutely no legal right to be in the White House today, say he speaks on behalf of the United States of America, when he proposes to give more, in addition to the massive amounts of land they occupy all around Israel, land to the Arabs and leave Israel with a tiny little speck of land, which also leaves them indefensible without Jerusalem or the West Bank. The bottom line is this, Barack Hussein Obama serves Satan's purposes, just as much as the Muslim terrorists who want to destroy all Jews, and the wrath of God is going to fall on all of them; they are cursed. The Bible tells us that God said, "I will bless those who bless you (Israel) and curse those who curse you" Genesis 12:3. How do I know Obama serves Satan's purposes? "No man can serve two masters, for he will hate one and love the other, or hold to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon" Matthew 6:24. Anyone who would openly speak against the Bible, as he has done (see News Videos page for Video), openly say there are many ways to get to heaven (which is the spirit of Antichrist (I John 2:22), according to the Bible, and turn against God's people, Israel, is serving Satan's purpose, having the spirit of Antichrist. He is not a servant of God, so he is a servant of the devil by default. God have mercy on his wretched soul. With this proposal and the Palestinians' vow to establish their state, with our without a peace agreement by September, one of two things will surely happen: the battle of Gog and Magog (Ezekiel 38), or the seven year peace treaty spoken of in Daniel 9:27. Either way, we are near to the end of the age. Look up, saints of God, our redemption draws nigh!
In : Prophecy
Tags: "president obama's speech 5/19/11" "barack obama's speech 5/19/11"