In Boston, one university has taken steps to help Muslim students maintain an important ritual: bathing before prayer.  At the center for English Language and Orientation at Boston University students come from all over the world to master English.  The largest group is Muslims.  Across the country, a number of universities, including the University of Michigan in Dearborn and George Washington University in Washington DC, have installed foot baths.  Two airports, the Indianapolis Airport and KCI Airport in Kansas City, Missouri.  Mike Huckabee, a former presidential candidate, called the foot baths at the University of Michigan an "accommodation we are making to one religion at the expense of others."  He called it "un-American."  Muslim prayer rooms and foot baths are also inside B.U.'s student union.  Some foot baths were were built using public funds.  The American Civil Liberties Union generally objects to public money being used for religious structures, but they do not take issue with the foot baths.

Commentary:  Since prayer and God was kicked out of public schools in the early 60s, Christian children have been gnashed at and railed against at every attempt to establish prayer groups and meetings at schools.  Some employers have fired employees for only having a Bible on their desk, or for wearing a cross!  Can we see the disparity here?  Believe it or not, the Bible says that one day Christians will be beheaded for their faith, "I saw the souls of those who were beheaded for the witness of Jesus and for the Word of God, who did not worship the beast (Antichrist), or his image, neither received his mark on their foreheads or in their hands..." Revelation 20:4.  Who is already beheading Christians in the world today?  Muslims, only the Muslims.   

Precious 17-year-old youth beheaded in Somalia only
because he was a Christian.  It happens frequently in
Muslim-dominated countries.