While shopping a couple of weeks ago, I remarked to the butcher that I would take eight, instead of four pounds of the meat I was purchasing, because it was on sale at such a good price.  He responded that it is a good thing to do right now, because beef is going to skyrocket.  I didn't question him further, because I am aware of the drought throughout the United States in recent years and the impact it has had on cattle, causing some ranchers to shoot livestock to prevent them from dying of thirst. 

I came across an article this evening about a Netherlands meat supplier selling burger fillers tainted with horse meat to meat processing plants.  Tests run on burgers processed at a Silvercrest food processing plant were found to have 29 percent horse meat.  Silvercrest is the same supplier used by Burger King and many supermarkets. 

The Irish agriculture minister Simon Coveney said horse meat was only found in cheap burgers.  He said suppliers are looking for the cheapest product to drive down costs, reported Daily Mail. 

There are a number of reasons why many of us have not been crushed under the rising costs of food yet.  For one thing, you may have noticed that certain canned foods are being packed in smaller cans.  Ice cream, which used to be packed in half-gallon cartons, are being packed in 1.5 quart containers.  Dollar Stores are on the rise and you can buy very small quantities for just one dollar.  In many cases, if you combine the smaller quantities from the Dollar Store to equal that in most other stores, you are paying more.  Nevertheless, in this economy, people are just thankful to be able to make the smaller purchases for only one dollar - forget the greater cost, and the list of work-around-easing continues. 

Think about it.  If nothing was being done to reduce the size and quantity, or puff out a hamburger with meat fillers and horse meat, or reduce the quality so people could buy something, there would be a definite panic by this time.  Most of us have families to feed and we need to pay for the roof over our heads one way or another. 

There will soon come a day, however, when the subtle fixes won't be enough and the bottom will fall out.  It is all being held together by the mass production of currency, patches, downsizing and creativity right now; but suddenly (not like quantitative easing) and without warning, it will all fall apart.  This will happen when the Illuminati decides not to hold it together any longer, in much the same manner as when they triggered the Stock Market crash of 1929, in order to confiscate the wealth of multitudes.  It will be a calculated "free-fall" when they are ready for it to happen, and when they are ready to "handle" the panic and dissenters. 

Take heed, plan now, because the "Disneyland ride" for so many will abruptly stop.  If you aren't prepared, you and your family will either end up dead, or in a FEMA camp.

There are things you can do now.  LIVE CONSERVATIVELY.  Stock nonperishable foods, water, chlorine bleach, or some other source of water purification, store (locked up) arms and ammunition.  Learn how to survive in a crunch, even the worst conditions, not to the point of panic and fanaticism, but with prayerful wisdom.  The Word of God tells us, "Go to the ant, you sluggard, consider her ways and be wise" Proverbs 6:6.

I would also suggest that everyone remember the precious blood spilled by millions for our freedom and liberty from British tyranny in the past - don't give up your arms for anyone!  If you ask the forefathers, they would tell you, "Give me liberty, or give me death!"  Remember the holocaust, and ask yourself if you would rather be starved and tortured, worse yet, watch your children go through the same, or die fighting?

Yes, we must absolutely pray, trust God and read the Word of God often.  In the day and hour in which we live, it would also be beneficial to remember what Jesus told the disciples before the Romans invaded Israel,

 "He who has a purse, let him take it and, likewise, his scrip, and he who has no sword, let him sell his garment and buy one" Luke 22:36. 

Jesus said, concerning the great tribulation to come,

"Then shall be great tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be" Matthew 24:21.

It will happen, and it will start soon.  I don't plan on being here for the worst of it, but I am preparing for the onset of it.  Before the seven years of great tribulation begins, God will deliver His people from His wrath to come upon the wicked. 

Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on earth?  If not, please visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this website.  Jesus, the Son of God, died to pay the penalty for your sins and mine, so we can live eternally with Him in paradise.  If you haven't received this gift of salvation, please say "yes" to the Lord today.  Your eternal destiny depends on it.  God bless you.