Lascar Volcano erupts
The Coming Crisis:  Chile's government declared a state of alert following a series of tremors at the Lascar Volcano in the northern region of Antofagasta, home to some of the world's largest copper mines.  The government is asking local authorities to prepare a possible escalation in volcanic activity that could threaten miners and residents, including tourists in the town of San Pedro de Atacama, the emergency service known as Onemi said in a statement on its website.  

Commentary:  All over the world volcanoes have suddenly started erupting.  Some volcanoes that have been dormant for years started erupting:  20 volcanoes erupted in 2011; 10 volcanoes erupted in 2010; 3 volcanoes erupted in 2009; 5 volcanoes erupted in 2008; no volcanoes erupted in 2007 or 2006; 2 volcanoes erupted in 2005.  Do you see the trend, the drastic increase in volcanic activity?  (Source:  The Word of God tells us that this is a sign of the last days, "I will show wonders in heaven above and signs in the earth beneath; blood, fire and vapor of smoke" Acts 2:19.  I needn't tell you how much blood has been shed in the last several years.