Syrian child beheaded because she was a "Christian. Photo:
Ninar Odisho killed for his faith in Syria (AINA). Photo:
What kind of monsters commit such crimes? Those who worship satan. Mainstream media doesn't even generally report such crimes, which are happening consistently throughout the world.
Where is the utter disgust and outrage? Do we have any humans with feelings left in the world? posted an article by Michael Snyder on 12/10/13 about the massive numbers of Christians being hideously tortured and slain throughout the world, predominantly in the Middle East, Africa and Asia.
Reuters reported in January 2013, that approximately 100 million Christians are facing persecution each year because of their faith. Otherwise, we don’t hear much about the ongoing slaughter. reported in 2010 that approximately 176,000 Christians were martyred between 2008 and 2009.
Michael Snyder wrote that the killing of Christians has intensified every year, but mainstream news media outlets have almost ignored what is happening.
He gave some examples of how Christians were killed in 2012 - 2013:
8/2013: A Christian cab driver was pulled out of his cab and beheaded in Egypt.
9/2013: Muslim suicide bombers kills 81 at church in Pakistan.
10/2013: An Iranian court sentenced four men to 80 lashes for drinking wine during communion.
10/2013: US supported al-Qaeda rebels killed 45 Christians, including women and children, in Sadad, Syria; some were tortured; 14 churches were destroyed in Sadad; 6 family members were found dead at the bottom of a well, ranging in age from 16 – 90.
11/2013: Approximately 300 Christians were arrested in Eritrea, many of whom were detained in make shift metal shipping containers. 380 died attempting to flee for their lives. Between 2-3,000 people flee Eritrea each month, despite “shoot to kill” orders against those attempting to leave.
11/2013: 8 people were executed in North Korea for owning a Bible. North Korean officials gathered about 10,000 citizens of Wonsan, including children, and were forced to watch the executions.
12/2013: At least 280 Christians were killed by Muslim rebels, many bodies lining the roads rotting, while thousands of other Christians fled to an airport in central Africa. One Christian said, “They are slaughtering us like chickens,” whose family remains in hiding, reported
9/2013: A group of Muslims robbed two Egyptian Christians in Libya, tied them up, then shot them to death when they refused to convert to Islam.
7/2012: 50 Christians burned to death in the home of their pastor in Nigeria. This was only the first attack against Christians by Boko Haram Muslims, as they ravaged and killed approximately 100 throughout 12 villages.
6/2012: Muslims in Tunisia cut off the head (slowly) of a young man who converted to Christianity, as they were chanting, “Allahu Akbar!”
This is just the tip of the iceberg!
Snyder reported some bloggers recently suggested the castration and murder of Christians right here in the US! He went on to point out the fact that our government has labeled Christians “extremists” and “potential terrorists...”
...This is true, courtesy of the Obama administration (Christianophobic?).
Speaking of Barack Obama, he has been quoted as saying, "Muslims are known for their tolerance!” Such a statement would cause one to consider if he is a pathological liar, delusional, a Muslim, or all three?!
According to the prophetic scriptures, as evil abounds throughout the world, things are only going to get worse, not better. Jesus said,
“They shall put you out of the synagogues, yes, the time comes that whosoever kills you will think that he does God service” John 16:2.
“Because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold” Matthew 24:12.
“Blessed are you when men shall revile you and persecute you and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be exceeding glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you” Matthew 5:11-12.
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