Jesus’s disciples asked Him what would be the sign of His return (Matthew 24)? One of the things Jesus said was,
“Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted and shall kill you, and you shall be hated of all nations for My name’s sake” Matthew 24:9.
Today, I received an email from Jay Sekulow, Chief Counsel with the American Center for Law and Justice. He reported that the US military are briefing soldiers that evangelical Christians and members of the Tea Party are extremists.
"Did you know these briefings warn soldiers not to join
or donate to these Christian or conservative groups, or they could face
Mr. Sekulow also said, “It’s hard to believe, but it’s true.”
Jay Sekulow has been defending Christian liberties for decades, arguing 12 cases before the United States Supreme Court, including several landmark cases. I have all confidence in him and what he has reported to his supporters.
He went on to say that our “Commander in Chief,” President Obama, "and his Secretary of Defense are responsible."
Radical Muslims have frequented the White House since Obama’s first term and they still do, even some who have openly declared war against the United States!
We are experiencing the fulfillment of last days Bible prophecy today; make no mistake about it. We are witnessing the very things Jesus warned us about in Matthew 24. Christians throughout the Middle East, Africa, China, North Korea, Vietnam, Indonesia and many other nations are being slaughtered, and now here in the United States our troops are being threatened by their association with Christians and conservative groups.
Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth? If not, please visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this website. Your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.
*If you wish to learn more about/support Jay Sekulow’s fight for Christian liberties, please visit ACLJ.org.
In : Destruction to the United States
Tags: "us military christians are extremists"