Conservative and
Christian alternative media outlets throughout America are exposing the
megabanksters (big bank gangsters, i.e.: Federal Reserve Bank), the Bilderberg
Group, United Nations, International Monetary Fund, Council on Foreign
Relations, Club of Rome and the Trilateral Commission, with all of their “joints
and sinews” throughout big government, so what do
you suppose they are doing about it?
For one thing, the NSA (National Security Agency) has done
plenty of spying and hacking against alternative media and US citizens,
but not many have believed our reports about that, until Snowden blew
the whistle. However it happened, I thank God people believe us now.
Branches of the US government are also purchasing firearms and ammunition like there’s no tomorrow.
Foreign troops from Mexico and Russia are being brought into
the US
to train on American soil. They are using American neighborhoods, going
in and out of houses, and it shows they clearly intend to violate the
Posse Comitatus Act, which actually has already been violated by Obama's
signing of the National Defense Authorization Act (on New Year's Eve
2011). I challenge you to read that bill and you will understand we are
in a heap of big trouble with this Socialist, might as well call him a
Barack Obama is pushing for gun control throughout America,
Diane Feinstein has openly stated that all firearms should be outlawed,
but you
can believe they don’t go far without their own armed protection. What
about our protection? I suppose they are suggesting we should ask
assailants if they would take a seat on the sofa while we call 9-1-1,
and could they please not murder us or our children, until the police
come to arrest them.
Actually, I don't have much concern about assailants, just
the federal government! If you don't already know why that is, you will -
just keep reading...
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) purchased 2 billion rounds of “hollow point” ammunition in 2012 (US military are not allowed to use hollow points in time of war because the ammunition is brutal). This type of purchase is unprecedented and would supply a 24-year war in Iraq, according to experts.
DHS also purchased $500,000 worth of “riot expansion kits” and 240,000 pepper spray projectiles, which are designed to be used in riot control situations.
The Department of Education, no less, has built up an arsenal of
firearms and ammunition. On October 24, 2013, Infowarsteam.US reported the US
Department of Education purchased $80,000 worth of Glock handguns and $17,000
worth of Remington shotguns.
I suppose if I wanted to disguise my holdings, I would diversify my points of purchase, as well as the storehouses.
This administration and their cohorts are gearing up for civil
unrest and riots.
Apparently, the more US citizens are being exposed to truth, the more urgently this administration stocks up the riot gear and calls for international troops. Why NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) and INTERPOL (International Police)?
Many of our Sheriffs throughout the US have joined together to
form coalitions, such as the “Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers
Association,” who have vowed to uphold the United States Constitution and the
Second Amendment, defending the rights of US citizens within their jurisdictions.
Certain US military troops have vowed not to fire against US
citizens for reasons such as gun confiscations, which violate our
Second Amendment rights. High-ranking military officials have admitted
that Obama's litmus test is, "Would you fire upon US citizens?"
Because of these cooperatives within the US, Obama and his administration need NATO forces to fight against American citizens, because many of our own will not.
Yes, folks, it is that serious. We are living in the “beast era” and the American people are going to experience an onslaught of civil unrest and economic depression not seen since the Civil War and the Great Depression.
We can’t be certain just how much of this the children of
God will
have to endure before the Lord returns, so I continue to encourage
people to store up water in containers, nonperishable food, blankets,
portable (camping) cooking supplies, crank radios, batteries and, yes,
firearms for the possible need to protect
yourselves and your families against evil we have not yet seen in our
Hitler confiscated the Jews' firearms before they were beguiled into entering trains, which would "take them to a better place," other than the ghettos. They ended up tortured by medical experiments (one of which was how much pain humans can endure), their children were taken from them and many of them tortured by medical experiments, they were executed, gassed, and starved, some thrown into the ovens alive!
The US government assisted many of the Nazi doctors of
terror and scientists to escape to the United States after the war,
where they were allowed to teach Americans their "expertise." On the
other hand, Hitler actually praised the American Illuminati on their
eugenics program and he wanted more information about that from the US
before the war!
Have you not heard of the tuberculin experiments conducted on orphans at St Vincent's House orphanage in Philadelphia? How about the syphilis experiments in Guatemala,
during which time orphans' spines were injected with syphilis by US
health researchers? No? Well then, maybe you have heard of the "Monster experiment"
inflicted on orphans at the Iowa Soldiers' Orphans Home in Davenport,
Iowa? The horrific list goes on and if you aren't aware of any of these,
you need to stop trusting your demonically inspired government and arm
yourselves for what's coming, in case we are still here.
Jesus said,
“For then shall be great tribulation, such as not seen since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be” Matthew 24:21.
The Word of God tells us,
“Consider the ant, you sluggard, consider her ways and be wise” Proverbs 6:6.
Those of us waiting for the Lord’s return may very well be "caught up" (1 Thessalonians 4:16-18) before we experience turbulence. We will certainly escape the great tribulation, according to the scriptures, because God’s wrath is only reserved for the wicked (Isaiah 26:19-21; Romans 1:18; Romans 5:9; 1 Thessalonians 1:10; 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18; 1 Thessalonians 5:9), but it is not certain what trials we might endure until we are delivered from the wrath to come.
Consider the ant and be prepared.
Are you ready to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth? If not, please visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this website. Your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.
In : Destruction to the United States
Tags: "cold war" "us government vs us citizens"