The Blaze (excerpts):  Obama to Congress:  I don't need your approval.  
(source:  New York Times)  A bi-partisan lawsuit was filed by members of Congress against Barack Hussein Obama and Robert Gates this week.  Now President Obama's administration is speaking out, claiming that the War Powers Act does not apply to US action in Libya.  In a broader package of materials that the Obama administration is sending to Congress on Wednesday defending its Libya policy, the White House, for the first time, offers law makers and the public an argument for why Obama has not been violating the War Powers Resolution since May 20th.  On that day (the 20th) the Vietnam-era law's 60-day deadline for terminating unauthorized hostilities appeared to pass; but the White House argued that the activities of the United States military forces in Libya do not amount to full-blown "hostilities" at the level necessary to involve the section of the War Powers Resolution that imposes the deadline.  "We are acting lawfully," said Harold Koh, the State Department legal adviser, who expanded on the administration's reasoning in a joint interview with White House counsel Robert Bauer.  The administration claims that the US has not been involved in "hostilities" since NATO took the helm on April 7.  According to the White House, America is merely providing a "supporting role."   Since troops are not in harms way on the ground, they say there is "little risk" posed to US forces.  The administration legal team considered other approaches, including a proposal to stop the use of armed drones after May 20th in order to bolster the case that the United States forces were no longer engaged in hostilities, but the White House ultimately decided not to make any changes in the military mission.  The key issue here is the meaning of "hostilities," as there does not seem to be a clear definition

My Comments:  The same thing is happening here which happened when Bill Clinton's administration pressured Israel to give Gaza to the Palestinians.  Israel buckled, and the Palestinian's took Gaza, elected Hamas, a terrorist organization, to govern them.  Hamas continually launches missiles into Israel, which is an act of war, while the world looks the other way.  Every time Israel defends himself by striking back, the world "jumps all over Israel like a rabid dog" for "attacking the poor Palestinians" who "haven't done a thing."  There is a reason Barack Hussein Obama doesn't go before Congress, as is required by the War Powers Act, and that is because he knows they will say "NO" to this war against Libya.  Obama has already spent 750 million dollars (that we do not have) on his war against Libya, without Congressional consent!  Why do you think he is doing this on his own?  What does he have to gain?  I can tell you this, his preemptive speech before the House on May 19, 2011, called for Israel to commence peace talks based on the pre-1967 borders, which would give the Palestinians a great chunk of Israel, but more than that, would absolutely place Israel in a "suicidal situation."  Obama has made his position very clear.  He is for Palestinians, who are governed by Hamas, a terrorist group, and he is right now helping to overthrow governments who have been relatively peaceful with Israel.  As these governments are tumbling, the Muslim Brotherhood is gaining control in Tanisia, Egypt and, no doubt, now Libya.  Obama knows exactly what he is doing.  These actions to help overthrow existing governments in the Middle East are allowing the Muslim Brotherhood to gain control and, therefore, Israel could very well end up with terrorist nations on all sides.  In fact, this is exactly what will happen.  The Bible says, "All nations will gather against Jerusalem to battle...then the Lord will go forth and fight against those nations...and the Lord will be king over all the earth" Zechariah 14:2-9.  This is an Old Testament prophecy of the battle of Armageddon, "all nations will gather against Jerusalem...then the Lord will go forth."  Zechariah prophesied about all nations gathering against Israel, then the Lord returns and fights against those nations.  Not only is Barack Hussein Obama helping these terrorists align themselves against Israel, but these events also tell us that the Lord's return is very near, even at the door, in that the children of God will be caught up (raptured) before the Lord returns with His saints to fight the enemies of Israel (Revelation 19:11-16).