Rounding up the herd... (excerpts):  Lawmakers in the nation's capital have floated a plan to require high school students to apply to college or trade school - even if the students have no interest in attending.  The proposal is a bid to ensure students in the troubled Washington, DC school system at least have the know-how to navigate the admissions process.  The bill would also require every student to take the SAT or ACT tests.  While the admissions and test-taking process would entail fees, DC Council Chairman Kwame Brown, who introduced the bill, said he would work with the school system to make sure the students have the resources to apply.    

Commentary:  Apparently in Washington, it seems the dictatorial spirit emanating from Obama is rubbing off on everybody.  What kind of idiots do they think we are?  If a high school graduate doesn't know how to apply for college, how in the world can he or she get through a class without assistance?  No, I'm afraid not.  It's about the prospect of student loans for big government, since the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act was signed in 2010.  Sure, introduce students in mass to borrowing student loans from the government (loans which can no longer be issued by banks, only the government, per the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act), which is just another government takeover.  Once students across the US are beholden to government for their educations, bingo!  Mandate this and mandate that, here a mandate, there a mandate, everywhere a mandate mandate!  We can sing that old song - until it becomes a national tragedy and we have no freedom.  About 45% (according to some polls) of the voters just adore Obama - still - it's unbelievable.  They just love him, while he is destroying the nation.  Obama is for government handouts - a welfare state.  Who wouldn't love that, unless you are wise enough to understand the perils.  The people think it's wonderful, they get all of these free handouts: welfare, food stamps, student loans galore, bank bailouts, low income tax breaks, etc, etc, etc...  Where does everyone think all this money is coming from?  It's a RUSE folks, for a more sinister purpose on down the line.  Everyone needs to understand once and for all, you're not going to get something for nothing.  To put it quite frankly, you are going to end up a slave, S-L-A-V-E to the government.  I have said it before and I'll say it again, "The cowboy always feeds the cattle he rounds up, and he never lets the herd go hungry."  If you don't mind being a beast of burden, go for it!  There is a wise ancient proverb in the Bible which says, "The rich rules over the poor and the borrower is servant to the lender" Proverbs 22:7.  

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