Damascus Removed from Being a City
Posted by L A on Sunday, September 9, 2012 Under: Prophecy
I ran across an old article from the Chicago Tribune by Liz Sly on the internet yesterday entitled, An Ancient City Reborn, dated June 26, 2008. The article read as follows:
An Ancient City Reborn
Damascus, Syria: Wanted for renovation: a centuries-old wreck, Roman features a plus. Must have a courtyard, a fountain and a rooftop terrace with a view of the ancient minarets and church spires rising from what claims to be the oldest continuously inhabited city in the world. Those were the specifications Yaser al-Saghirji had in mind when he sought to buy a house in the old walled city of Damascus, the hottest new property spot in a region where soaring oil revenues have pushed property prices everywhere to record levels.
September 8, 2012
Due to civil war, Damascus is in a state of destruction right now. Many buildings and roads are in heaps of rubble. The Assad regime is going about systematically slaughtering young men in Damascus and other cities throughout Syria even thought to possibly be among the rebels. The war has also taken the lives of thousands of women and children. Hundreds of thousands of Syrian citizens are fleeing into Turkey and Jordan for asylum.
Just how many people do you think are anxiously awaiting to buy homes in Damascus now? What do you think the property prices are like today? The prophet Isaiah wrote thousands of years ago about the last days, which we are living in right now. He wrote about how God's wrath would fall upon those wicked people and their cities, who not only rebelled against God, but also worshiped idols, "The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city and it shall be a ruinous heap" Isaiah 17:1.
We are seeing last days prophecies being fulfilled in our generation, right before our eyes. They are happening rapidly; from the mass bird, fish and animal deaths throughout the world (Hosea 4:3), to record-breaking storms (Isaiah 28:2, Ezekiel 13:13), global economic collapse (Ezekiel 7:19, Revelation 6:6), Arab Spring nations aligning themselves against Israel (Ezekiel 38), to the ruin of Damascus (Isaiah 17:1); and there are many, many more throughout the Word of God. Ezekiel (38) prophesied about how the king of the north (Russia) would align with Persia (Iran) and come against Israel. This alliance has already taken place between Vladimir Putin of Russia and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran and it is just a matter of time before it actually takes place. Ethiopian Muslims have declared jihad and they would be the first ones to jump into a fray against Israel. Since the Arab Spring, the Muslim Brotherhood has taken control of Egypt and they are "in" when it comes to the destruction of Israel. Our generation will see this happen. How do I know this? Because so many of the other last days prophecies have been fulfilled, which have been outlined in articles throughout this news page.
We know the end of time is near, "even at the doors." Jesus said, "When you see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors" Matthew 24:33.
The Lord's return is certain. Will you be ready? If you aren't saved, please visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this website. We only have this life to make the right choice and live throughout eternity, or make the wrong choice and end up in hell - for eternity. Salvation is very simple - it's only a prayer away. Won't you make that choice today, while you have an opportunity? God bless you.
In : Prophecy
Tags: "destruction of damascus" "prophetic destruction of damascus" "arab spring"