Donald Trump interviewed with Fox News journalist Greta Van Susteren recently.  He said our nation is "teetering on financial ruin."  Trump said our national debt is now $16 trillion dollars and our country is no longer a rich nation and went on to say, "The way Obama is running the country is stupid."   

The Word of God says, "Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools" Romans 1:22.

Ballooning debt and a credit downgrade aren't Trump's only worries for this country.  He says that the official unemployment rate of 8.2 percent "isn't a real number" and that the real figure is closer to 15 to 16 percent.  He mentioned that some believe the unemployment rate is as high as 21 percent, reported 

Trump's concerns and statements are niceties compared to what Robert Wiedemer has to say about the impending US economic collapse.  He accurately predicated the housing market collapse in 2008 and he has written an "eye-opening" book Aftershock.  Wiedemer predicts that starting this year and into next year, unemployment rate will begin to soar to 50 percent.  The US dollar has already lost 16 percent of its value since the book was written. 

Robert Wiedemer also predicts that the worst of the financial catastrophe is still ahead and we are "past the point of no return."  We are headed for a second Great Depression, according to Wiedemer.  He said the data is clear, 50 percent unemployment, a 90 percent stock market drop and 100 percent annual inflation starting in 2012!

This will all lead to one planned event, a New World Order.  Obama knows about it and this is why he is deliberately imploding the economy.  The Bilderbergs know about it and that's why they made sure "Obama nobody" suddenly became "Obama somebody" and made the presidency.  The UUN, who I can't help but refer to as the Useless United Nations, knew about it and their plans are coming to fruition.  The elitists can't get American citizens to give up their sovereignty and buckle under the control of the UUN, unless we are financially destitute a---------nd that's where Obama comes in.  He is decisively and deliberately leading America down the path to economic destruction. 

In order to make certain people can't make too much of a fuss during the US subjugation, he has already given himself dictatorial power, by way of the National Defense Authorization Act he signed on New Year's Eve.  This gives him, only the president, the dictatorial power to arrest and detain US citizens indefinitely and without a trial! 

We have always heard of such dictators in China, Russia, North Korea and the like, but guess what America?  It's here!  If you knew about all of the plans they have for America, you would want to pack up your bags and exit out of here to a "safe haven" somewhere, which is what many of the wealthy are doing right now.  There really isn't a safe haven anywhere, outside of God's divine protection over His people.  This "end game" plan is going to come crashing down over the entire world, and this is exactly why you see England, Greece, Spain, Italy and other nations suffering financial collapse.   

A New World Order under a one world dictator, is prophesied in the Bible and this dictator is referred to as the Antichrist.  He will take control and regulate everything, even your ability to buy and sell, according to Revelation 13:16-18, "He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, bond and free to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads, that no man might buy or sell, except he who has the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.  Here is wisdom.  Let him who has understanding count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. and his number is six hundred, sixty-six." 

The rapture of the saints and the great tribulation is just ahead of us, folks.  If you haven't received Jesus as your Lord and Savior, please visit the How Can I Be Saved page, before it's too late.  "Today is the day of salvation" 2 Corinthians 6:2.  God bless you.