Federal Government Stealing Property!
Posted by Leisa Amorosa on Monday, January 23, 2012 Under: Destruction to the United States
Mike and Shantel Sackett purchased land near a lake to build their dream home. They did everything right. After purchasing the land, they obtained a building permit to build their dream home on the residential property they bought. They began grading the property to start building, when the Environmental Protection Agency and the Army Corps showed up at the door. The Sacketts were asked to see their permit to build on "wetlands." Their county didn't require a permit to build on "wetlands" because their land is not zoned as wetlands. The EPA told the Sacketts to stop all building and issued them a "compliance order," which states, "You must stop all building, restore the land to its original state, replace and plant "wetlands" trees (there were never any trees removed), and place a fence around the land and maintain the property in pristine condition. You have no right to a pre-enforcement challenge of the order. You must comply with the order or be sued by the EPA and face fines between $35-75,000. per day." There are many such claims against citizens of the United States by Obama's EPA. Apparently, they are "flexing their muscles" to determine just how far they can push the American citizens off of their properties and regulate them out of their homes. This case is as bad as the Michigan resident who was fined for growing a garden in her front yard! (See the accompanying video to this article on the News Videos page of this website dated 1/22/12). "He (God) will judge the poor of the people; He will save the children of the needy, and break in pieces the oppressor" Psalms 72:4. Hitler committed suicide; Mussolini was assasinated and hung upside down in a plaza in Milan; the Czar Nicholas was killed; Enver Pasha was killed by machine gunfire, and the list goes on. The Bible says, "God is not mocked, whatever a man sows, he will also reap" Galatians 6:7. Judgment day is coming - much sooner than many realize.
In : Destruction to the United States
Tags: "epa abuse" "sackett versus epa case"