Thousands of Fish Found Dead in Brisbane River, Australia:  The Queensland government said it may take weeks before it knows the reason behind the deaths of several thousand fish in the Bisbane River at Lowood, reported ABC news.

Millions of dead fish washed up in Salton Sea.  South Coast Air Quality Management District is trying to say that the foul stench residents smelled throughout California is coming from the Salton Sea.  I think the announcement sounds "fishy." 

Certainly the fish haven't been cleaned out of Salton Sea, in fact more keep dying there, but the smell is gone - yep, sounds "fishy" to me. 

The prophet Hosea said thousands of years ago, "The land will mourn and everyone who dwells in it will languish, with the beasts of the field, the fowls of heaven, yes, the fishes of the sea will also be taken away" Hosea 4:3. 

The mass bird and fish deaths that have been occurring worldwide since late 2010 are one of the signs pointing to the end of the age, folks.  Are you prepared for the return of the Lord?  He will return for His people, as sure as the sun rises in the east, then judgment will fall on the wicked who remain.  If you aren't prepared to stand before God, please visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this website.  God bless you.