Ahmedabad, India - The fisheries, forest and health departments of Ahmedabad district swung into action on Friday after receiving reports of fish dying en masse in a pond near Kerala, a village located 38 km from Ahmedabad.  According to sarpanch of the village, at least four tons of fish have died over the last three days.  Teams from these departments visited the pond, collected samples and asked villagers not to consume dead fish or draw water from the reservoir.  "We noted some dead fish, some small and some weighing up to five kilograms, washed ashore on Wednesday night.  The next morning there were piles of them and it continued on Thursday and Friday," sarpanch Subhas Thakar told the Indian Express.  The natural pond is right at the foot of the village with a population of around 7,000 and is spread over five acres.  It is 30 feet deep at some points and fresh water remains round the year.  Its banks are lined by a rice mill, a bearing factory and farms, the sarpanch said, adding fishing is not allowed there now.  We informed authorities after the problem seemed to grow serious on Thursday, Thakar said.  

Commentary:  The dying fish since January of last year has become an international crisis, though you will not hear that word in the news media too frequenly, at least not in the US.  The Bible says, "The land will mourn and everyone that dwells in it will languish, with the beasts of the field, the fowls of heaven, yes, the fishes of the sea will also be taken away" Hosea 4:3.  This link will take you to a world map in Google with identifiers locating mass bird and fish deaths throughout the world only from December 2010 through January 5, 2011:  MAP  There are just as many deaths, if not a whole lot more to include for the entire year.