Foul Rotton Egg Smell Throughout California Prompts Rash of Emergency Calls
Posted by L A on Wednesday, September 12, 2012 Under: Signs in Heaven
I walked out to the barn to feed my horse Monday morning and smelled a terrible smell and I couldn't figure out where in the world it could be coming from. The only thing I knew was that my horse doesn't smell like that.
As I surfed the internet for some interesting news later in the day, I realized that the headlines were full of articles and blogs about people calling 911 to report horrible stenches throughout 150-mile span in California.
The first thing I thought of, honestly, was that Obama's cohorts, Muslim terrorists or elitists, either one -take your pick, hit us with chemical warfare, as slim as that possibility is at this juncture.
In addition to dispersing investigators into tracking down the odor, officials with South Coast Air Quality Management District immediately announced that the smell was most likely coming from the Salton Sea, just southeast of Los Angeles, due to high winds.
I can tell you that the Salton Sea has been around since time immemorial and we have never had an odor hit the air like this - ever! Something strange is going on, but the fact that the Air Quality Management District would jump so hastily onto an excuse like that, causes me more concern.
Air Quality received about 200 calls yesterday regarding the foul odor and some residents were calling 911. The smell is extremely intense. Authorities had to admit that it is highly unusual for odors to remain powerful up to 150 miles from their source, referring to the Salton Sea.
In addition to that factor, why would the Salton Sea leave off an odor, said to be from fish die-offs, then dissipate, as it is today. Certainly if the sea is giving off that kind of an odor for such a reason as fish die-offs, it wouldn't disappear in one day. The dead fish haven't been removed.
Nope, something fishy is going on and it's not Salton, my friends. Only the Lord knows at this point, but nothing would surprise me, as we are head closer to the return of the Lord.
"I will show wonders in heaven above and signs on the earth beneath, blood, fire and vapor of smoke" Acts 2:19.
Such a powerful stink spreading 150 miles throughout Southern California; now that is certainly a wonder to me! It may be indicative of how low and sinful this state has fallen. Blood? It's being shed everywhere in the earth and death tolls are growing higher by the day. Christians and dissenters are literally being crucified in Egypt, Christians are being killed throughout Africa, burned alive in churches, and Christians are being slaughtered in the Middle East by Muslims; but this is only the beginning, the great tribulation has not even begun - we are only experiencing the prelude right now. Fire? The United States, Russia and China have been on fire for the last couple of years. Record-breaking fires have ravaged hundreds of thousands of acres across the Midwest in America, and the fires in 2010 took the lives of approximately 56,000 people in Russia. I would say, We are seeing the sign of "fire" in the world. Vapor of smoke? Volcanoes are becoming active and some are erupting which haven't erupted in hundreds of years, sending billows of smoke miles into the air from various volcanoes throughout the world. We shouldn't forget about the great earthquakes we are experiencing throughout the globe now either, which Jesus spoke of, "There will be great earthquakes in various places, famines, pestilences, and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven" Luke 21:11.
Every day, I see the "count down" all over the world, as I search for prophetic news, and I am very excited - not upset. I am excited, because the return of our Lord and Savior is so near and I am ready to go! Are you prepared to stand before God in judgment for the life you have lived on this earth? If not, please visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this site. Jesus died for our sins on the cross already; He paid the penalty for our sins, so we could have eternal life. We only need to receive His free gift of Salvation. It is very simple - it's only a prayer away. God bless you.
In : Signs in Heaven
Tags: "smell of rotton eggs in california" "foul smell in california"