IsraelNationalNews (excerpts):  Israeli Ambassador to France Yossi Gal was summoned by the French Foreign Ministry Wednesday to receive a tongue lashing about Israel's air strike Sunday in Gaza.  The IDF retaliated against the Palestinian Authority terrorists who were raining mortar shells and rocket fire on cities and towns in southern Israel for days.  One Hamas "police officer" was killed in the raid and four other members of the terrorist organization were wounded; but it turned out that the French Consulate, his wife and 13-year-old daughter were also living in the area where the targeted terrorists chose to hide.  All three were hit by flying shrapnel during Sunday night's air strike.  "We reminded the Israeli Ambassador how much we deplore the consequences of this raid for the head of our consulate and his family," French Foreign Ministry spokesman Bernard Valero in a routine internet briefing following Gal's meeting, Reuter's reported.  "While we need to recognize Israel's need to ensure its security, [the ambassador] was reminded about the importance of keeping civilians and the French presence in Gaza from being affected."  

Commentary:  There is an old saying, "lie with dogs and get fleas."  Instead of ranting at Israel's Ambassador to France about Israelis defending themselves against the barrage of attacks against Israel from Gaza, you would think that not only would France understand the very elementary fact that Israel must defend himself, but that they would be embarrassed by the fact that they are caught "lying in bed" with such terrorists in Gaza!  What are the French doing in Gaza anyway?  No decent country would put an ambassador there.  It is only necessary and decent that nonviolent people live apart from terrorists, of course, that is if they themselves are truly not terrorists also.  The Word of God in I Corinthians 15:33 says, "Don't be deceived; evil communications corrupt good manners."