France Offers to Host Peace Talks on Basis of "Obama Vision"
Posted by Leisa Amorosa on Monday, June 6, 2011 Under: Prophecy
Israel Today: Just as Israelis feared, US President Barack Obama's "vision" of pushing Israel back to its 1967 borders has become the basis for international peace efforts in the Middle East. Last week, France offered to host renewed peace talks based on the "Obama vision." Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas accepted the French proposal over the weekend, even though it would likely end his campaign to unilaterally declare a Palestinian state at the UN in September. According to the Bethlehem based Palestinian news agency Ma'an, Abbas and his advisors have realized that the UN statehood bid is a dead end, as the US will never allow the motion to pass the Security Council; but it appears just the threat of taking such unilateral action has paid off. A former advisor to US presidents on Middle East issues said that Obama's "1967 borders" policy speech was an astounding and unprecedented adoption of Arab positions regarding the peace process with Israel. If Obama's stated conditions are to become the starting point for new negotiations, Abbas has gained far more than he would have at the UN. However, Abbas will now have to contend with his new government partners in Hamas, who called his acceptance of the French proposal "hasty and misguided." Hamas sees no point in negotiations with Israel based on the 1967 border, or otherwise, as the group remains dedicated to seeing a Palestinian state fully replace Israel. Concerned about seeing Israel further isolated, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Sunday Israel too is positively examining the French proposal. Netanyahu did, however, raise reservations Paris's plan to reach an agreement on borders before broaching the topic of "Palestinian refugees." During his visit to Washington last month, Netanyahu was widely seen as schooling Obama after the latter pushed the idea of returning to the 1967 borders. Netanyahu, like most Israelis, view the 1967 borders as indefensible and is not prepared to uproot all Jewish life in Judea and Samaria (the so-called "West Bank," nor to sever the Jews' ancient claims to those lands.
My Comments: I never thought I would see the day when insane, possessed people can rant and rave in the streets, threaten to annihilate the Jews and Israel, kill and decapitate people in the streets, scream "death to Israel and death to America," literally burn churches and Christians; then to see "diplomats" throughout the world say, "Let us give you money, let us help you take land from these Jews and Israel, let us work with you against Israel." This is diabolical and insane! Since when can civilized people negotiate with maniacs? I have to say that Canada's Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, was the only level-headed sane member of the latest G-8 meeting who stood for Israel. He pronounced boldly during that meeting that Israel should not be pressed to return to the 1967 indefensible borders. I was so thankful to God that there was one who stood strongly for Israel, and Canada will be blessed by God for doing so. I sent him an email thanking and praising him for doing so; I encourage you to do the same ( I guarantee you that if Mexicans or Canadians were chanting, "death to America" and they were burning churches (and Americans inside the churches), and if they were decapitating Americans in Mexico and Canada, and they repeatedly said they wanted to kill all Americans and take over America and run us into the ocean, there is no way Americans would want to divide their land with these insane maniacs! Why do you suppose so many people think Israel should move over and let these violent manics have more land? I suppose just because they are Jews and there is still so much hatred against Jews in the world, everyone acts like there's nothing wrong with this scenario. I can only come up with one conclusion. The Word of God says that, "Straight is the gate and narrow is the way which leads to life and there are few that find it" Matthew 7:14. The Bible also says, "Because they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind" Romans 1:28. In summary, this means that most of the world is going to hell because they refuse to even acknowledge God or His will for their lives, and most of the world has become reprobate. If you are reading this article and you don't want to go to hell and you don't want to be reprobate in your mind, in other words INSANE and unable to think straight, you need to make certain you are saved and following God's will for your life. The second thing is, the Bible says you cannot be an enemy of Israel and please God, or even be saved. Let me say it plainly, if you hate Israel, you are going to hell. This proves my point: Genesis 12:3 says, "I will bless those who bless you and CURSE those who curse you (speaking of Israel)." You can't get any plainer than that!
Just look at the photo above. One of the irrational, violent, insane, reprobate people that Obama is supporting is putting some type of honorable thing around his neck. Well, I hope he enjoys it very much while he can, because unless he changes his current course and repents, he is going to hell and he can't take it with him.
In : Prophecy
Tags: "peace talks" "french to host peace talks"