Fullerton, California Police Beat and Tase Homeless Man to Death
Kelly Thomas, mentally unstable and homeless, after being beaten and Tased to death by Fullerton, CA, Police.
Fullerton, CA: Fullerton, CA, Police officers tased and beat Kelly Thomas, a mentally unstable homeless man, to death and the killing was videotaped by a witness. KABC reported, "They kept beating him and Tasering him. I could hear zapping, and he wasn't even moving," said Turgeon. "He had one arm in front of him, like this; he wasn't resisting. They kept telling him, "You're resisting, quit resisting, but he wasn't resisting."
Two of
the Fullerton Police Officers have been arrested and ordered to stand trial in
the beating/tasing death of the mentally ill homeless man, Kelly Thomas, whose
beating and tasing death was recorded on graphic video and which was also
played for the first time in court this week. Superior Court Judge Walter
Schwarm ordered that there was sufficient evidence presented during a three-day
preliminary hearing - including the showing of the 33 minute - and that a jury
trial will be held for Officer Manuel Ramos, charged with second degree murder
and voluntary manslaughter, and Cpl Jay Cicinelli charged with involuntary
manslaughter and assault or battery by a police officer. Both have
pleaded not guilty. It is the first time in Orange County history that a
police officer has been ordered to stand trial on a murder charge for actions
that occurred while on duty and in uniform, the Orange County Register
There are two
other recent cases of police murdering victims in the local news, although I
selected this article because it is especially heinous. The onslaught of
these types of cases throughout the US is indicative of the spiritual sickness
of this nation, which originates from the Socialist-Marxist we have in the White House. This News-Blog page is full of
information about bills signed by Obama since he took office which preclude a Socialist takeover. The "National Defense Authorization Act"
signed by Obama on New Year's Eve this year is indicative of his intentions to
arrest US citizens in the future, apparently as he anticipates Americans will come against his
Socialist agenda with full force and effect, once they wake up!
The Bible says that a world dictator (Antichrist) will
arise in the last days: "He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor,
free and bond to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads, that
no man might buy or sell, except he who had the mark, the name of the beast
(Antichrist), or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him
who has understanding count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a
man, and his number is six-hundred, sixty-six" Revelation 13:16-18. This world dictator is going to cause everyone to
receive a mark on their hands or in their foreheads, otherwise they will be
unable to buy or sell anything, which essentially prohibits our existence
without this mark. The Bible goes further to explain that those who do
not receive the mark will be beheaded, martyred for their faith in Jesus Christ
and their unwillingness to receive this mark of the devil (Revelation 20:4) .
Internet censorship and government spying on US citizens are just the beginning
of the end, folks.
In : Socialist America
Tags: "fullerton police officers charged with beating tasing death of mentally ill homeless man" "kelly thomas" "manuel ramos" "jay cicinelli"