Atlas Shrugs (excerpts):  Gird your loins, freedom lovers.  The Islamic supremacists and the largest weapon in their arsenal are gearing up for a major assault on the American public, a disinformation campaign in Islam's war on the West.  You can put lipstick on a pig, but it ain't halal, and while sharia (Islamic law) does indeed dictate dietary laws, family law, and prayer; it also is an absolute legal, political and military system.  So, don't let those honor killings, clitorectomies, legal rape, subjugation of women, gender apartheid, historical genocides, etc., hit you in the --- (bottom) on the way out, Nihad.  The American people will know the truth.  This, I promise.  
     Hamas-linked CAIR lies about anti-Sharia initiatives to raise funds

I just received this fundraising appeal Nihad Awad, the Executive Director of Hamas-linked CAIR:

Dear Friend:

 As-salaamu alaykum.  (Peace be to you.)  I hope you have a blessed Friday.  

We need your help to raise $50,000 before August 1 to ensure that an additional attorney is available to help defend your right to freely practice your religion.  

(They will probably get it too.  They have access to numerous moneyed Islamic supremacist interests, while we have to struggle for every penny to fight Islamic supremacist encroachment in the US. -- then, in a classic example of projection, they claim we are rolling in dough and only in it for the money.)    

Promoters of Islamophobia like David Yarushalmi, ACT!  For America and others tried to pass anti-Muslim laws in more than 20 states recently.  They are perfectly willing to sacrifice your constitutional protections to sell their fear-mongering and misinformation about Islam and American Muslims.  Can you imagine living in a state that has an anti-Islam law in its legal code?  This could prevent you from exercising your choice in marriage contracts, wills, or even home finance...

(Awad is lying.  Non-Muslims want to outlaw the elements of Sharia that interfere with Constitutionally protected freedoms, not Islam as an individual religious practice.  These anti-Sharia measures are aimed at political Islam, an authoritarian ideology at variance with the Constitution in numerous particulars: Sharia denies the freedom of speech, the freedom of conscience, the equality of rights of all people before the law.  That is what people want to restrict, and the elements of Sharia that contradict Constitutional freedoms are all they want to restrict.)

Stand with CAIR by donating $30, $100, $200, $500, $1,000 or more and help us make sure American democracy works for everyone.  Your donation is zakat-eligible.  

(But not tax deductible!)

We need this new attorney in place by September 1.  Hate groups like Stop the Islamization of America and Islamophobes such as Walid Shoebat and Robert Spencer are preparing their next campaign against Islam.  We need to stand together to ensure they fail.  

Indeed we are preparing our next campaign to defend human rights and freedom, Awad.  If you want to call such a defense "hate" and a "campaign against Islam," it says more about you and about Islam, than it says about us.  

We are going to continue to fight for freedom, and unlike CAIR, our resources are very limited.  Please contribute to  Your contribution to Jihad Watch and/or to SIOA is tax-deductible.  If you are contributing to SIOA, please specify that in the "instructions to the seller" box on paypal.  

My Comments:  I will go further than that.  Because of the very nature of the threat of Islam in America (we are the "Big Satan" to them - Israel is the "Little Satan" to them and they want to convert us, or kill us, no other option), because they are a religion of conquest and they fundamental faith is to take over America; we need to deport ALL OF THEM.  Muslims are a threat to the American people!  This is just one little step in the big picture.  They come to America, but they don't want to live by American laws or the Constitution, they are fighting to institute Sharia law in America.  You try going to any one of the Muslim nations in the Middle East and fight them to oust Sharia and bring in the US Constitution to their countries.  Do you know what will happen?  You will most certainly LOSE YOUR HEAD FROM OFF OF YOUR SHOULDERS!  It's time to wake up America!  I am only in the fray right now, because I still live on this earth and I want my freedoms until the Lord returns, but guess what?  Sharia will be law throughout all nations, it is Biblical, "He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads" Revelation 13:16.  This isn't the US Constitution, my friends!  The Mahdi's (Antichrist - Muslim messiah) will institute a one world government, but the saints will be gone - raptured!  "For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the last trump of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first.  Then we which are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and we will forever be with the Lord" 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17."  "...I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus and for the Word of God, which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark on their foreheads or in their hands and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years" Revelation 20:4.  The scripture says specifically here that those who reject the Antichrist will be beheaded.  Come on people, who else in the world is cutting peoples heads off besides the MUSLIMS!