Israel Today:  Damascus-based Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal this week warned Israel that it has one more year to recognize an independent Palestinian state.  If Israel fails to do so, "Hamas will add new cards to the resistance," Mashaal told a group of young Egyptians who took part in the recent overthrow of dictator Hosni Mubarak.  Palestinian news agency Ma'an further quoted Mashaal as saying the Palestinian state Israel recognizes must include 100 percent of Judea, Samaria, and the entire eastern half of Jerusalem; and this must come about via a unilateral surrender to Arab demands by Israel, as Mashaal and Hamas, which last week signed a reconciliation agreement with the regime of Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas, continue to insist they will not negotiate with the Jewish state.  Israeli leaders say the reconciliation agreement and the possible formation of a unity government including Hamas and Abbas's Fatah faction has effectively killed all chances of a bilateral peace agreement.  Israelis also argue that the deal is further evidence of the true goals of Abbas and his allegedly "moderate" leadership.  Many Americans agree with that sentiment.  Last week, 27 US senators sent a letter to President Barack Hussein Obama demanding that American financial aid to the Palestinian Authority be halted if Hamas is brought back into the government.  "It is imperative for you to make clear to Abbas that Palestinian Authority participation in a unity government with an unreformed Hamas will jeopardize its relationship with the United States, including its receipt of US aid," wrote the senators.  All Republican senators and about half of Democratic senators support cutting aid to a Palestinian Authority that includes Hamas.  The lawmakers remind Obama that it is actually illegal to give US aid to those listed as terrorists by the US State Department, which includes Hamas.  It remains important to remember that Hamas was actually elected to power by the Palestinian public in 2006.  In that election, Hamas won a strong majority in the Palestinian Parliament.  When Abbas tried to stifle the group's power, Hamas lashed out and seized control of Gaza.  

My Comments:  My, doesn't that nice-looking group of young men above appear to really need our financial support (to buy more guns and bombs)?  Walid Shoebat is a former Muslim and PLO terrorist, who converted to Christianity in 1993.  He has gone before our top-ranking government officials, including the CIA and FBI, to try to convince them of the hypocrisy and true objectives of the Palestinian Authority and how very connected they are and always have been to Hamas.  We can all ask ourselves why we are sending our hard-earned tax dollars to terrorists in the Middle East.  This is insanity, not only because they are all terrorists and look for the annihilation of Israel, not peace - annihilation (peace treaties are just a means to the end, a way to get closer to the real objective), but we in America are also bankrupt!  Obama sent 700 million dollars (we don't have) to refurbish mosques in the Middle East.  We don't have money to send to terrorists or to refurbish their mosques, even if we wanted to, which is insane anyway!  Calling all Americans - can someone assist with getting a president into the White House who is for America's interests?  Again, there is an ultimate agenda behind the faith of all Muslims; its in the Qu'ran, if you don't believe this, all you have to do is read it - death to all Jews - that is the message.  These people are brutal and blood thirsty.  It is the makeup of their religious faith.  Do you know of any other countries, besides Muslim nations, who regularly, yes about on a weekly basis, for one reason or another (it doesn't have to be for murder - it can be for saying something wrong against the Muslim faith) behead people in their central squares?  Do you know of any other people, beside Muslims, who kill their daughters (honor killings) on a near regular basis?  Forget Palestinian Authority or Hamas, why should we send any money to any Muslim anywhere, unless they repent and stop killing people?