Harrisburg, Pennsylvania on the Brink of Financial Collapse
Posted by Leisa Amorosa on Sunday, July 3, 2011 Under: Economic Crisis
Ydr.com (excerpts): York, PA - Harrisburg is a city on the brink of financial collapse. Week to week, city employees wait to see if officials will scrape together the money to cut their paychecks, creditors breathe down the necks of the city's elected leaders and the debt from a failed investment in the city's incinerator now tops $300 million, according to published report; and the state is closing in. Harrisburg has been undergoing Pennsylvania's Act 47 process in order to straighten out its financial future, but the act comes with some state recommendations - such as selling assets and raising taxes, that many in Harrisburg don't like. Some city leaders have pushed for the city to declare bankruptcy and keep the legislature out of its finances. The legislature last week passed a bill that makes it harder for third class cities to ignore Act 47. So, what did it mean when York's Mayor Kim Bracey stood along side Harrisburg's Mayor Linda Thompson last week during a news conference, when she opposed the states additional restrictions on the Act 47 process? City officials say they know what it didn't mean. York is not in the same boat as Harrisburg, Bracey and her Business Administrator Michael O'Rourke said this week. The two cities are in the midstate. They are both third class, but the similarities end there, O'Rourke said. "Their situation is compromised by the incinerator," he said. The most serious trouble with Harrisburg's incinerator began in 2003, when the city's Harrisburg Authority - with the backing of Harrisburg County leaders and bond insurers - invested in a failed retrofit for the facility that cost far more than the revenue created. With the authority unable to make the sizable payments necessary to pay off the failed plan, the debt has ballooned, and now the city and its taxpayers face several multi-million dollar payments each year.
My Comments: Of course, the 700 million taxpayer dollars sent to the Middle East by Barack Obama could have paid this debt and more, but I suppose his Muslim friends and their jihad mosques are much more important than anything we have going here, at least in his mind. Just on the side, did I forget to remind you that during the Texas wildfires earlier this year, they contacted washing for assistance with the fires, but looked to a deaf ear from this administration. However, when fires broke out in Mexico, Washington sent planes into Mexico to help douse their fires. I know, I mentioned it before, but I hope no one forgets. I know, I'm getting off the real subject here. The fact is that men, without the wisdom that only comes from God, generally make a mess of everything, and that's exactly why the nation is going down, down, down. Men are primarily wicked in this day we live in and they fail in their fudiciary duties all the time, because they have no wisdom. "The wisdom of this world is foolishness with God, for it is written; He takes the 'wise' in their own craftiness" 1 Corinthians 3:19.
In : Economic Crisis
Tags: "harrisburg pa bankrupt"