Update:  I placed some important information about Cain into "My Comments" section at the end of this article, after completing this post.  Please see the update at the bottom before leaving.  Thank you.
 FoxNews.com (excerpts):  Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain defended his opposition to a new mosque in Tennessee, expressing concern about Shariah law and declaring "Americans have the right to ban mosques in their communities.  Cain who stirred controversy this year by saying he would be uncomfortable appointing a Muslim to his Cabinet if elected, first expressed concern Thursday about the controversial mosque in Murfreesboro, Tennessee.  That mosque has been the subject of demonstrations and legal challenges in the wake of the controversy over the so-called "Ground zero mosque" in New York City.  Speaking on Fox News Sunday, Cain said he came out against the Tennessee mosque after talking to members of that community.  He said the site is "hallowed ground" to Murfreesboro residents and that they are concerned about "their intentions" to try to enact Shariah law -- the code governing conduct/laws in Islamic societies.  "It's not just a mosque for religious purposes.  This is what the people are objecting to," he said.  Asked whether any community should be able to prohibit a mosque, Cain said they should.  "They have the right to do that.  That's not discriminating...against that particular religion.  That is an aspect of their building the mosque that is never discussed, he said.  Cain again argued that residents were objecting to the fact that "Islam is both a religion and a set of laws, Shariah law.  That's the difference between any one of our other traditional religions."  While Cain said he expect the case to go before the Supreme Court, a local judge has allowed the project to go forward.  Cain is taking heat for his comments about Muslims.  The Council on American-Islamic Relations, which accused him of using bigoted language with his Cabinet comments, said Sunday that he should apologize for his latest remarks.  CAIR spokesman Ibrahim Hooper, describing Cain's stance on the Tennessee mosque as a possible sign of desperation, said other Republican candidates and leaders should also distance themselves from that kind of rhetoric.  "It's incumbent upon reasonable people within the Republican Party to come out strongly and repudiate these kinds of un-American unconstitutional views," he said.  "It's just so bizarre."  Cain, the former CEO of Godfather's Pizza, is struggling to build on an earlier momentum and break into the top tier of candidates in the 2012 Republican primary race

My Comments:  Yes, I would also say that it is finally "bizarre" that someone in the political race in this country can articulate exactly what the Muslims are up to in the United States.  I think it is also bizarre that Ibrahim Hooper should use the term "unconstitutional views."  He and all of his Muslim cohorts HATE the constitution; they hate democracy and our freedoms altogether; it all doesn't mesh well with Shariah law; Shariah law - they are all about Shariah law!  I think it is very slick of him (Hooper) to appeal to the American people on the basis of our own values and the Constitution.  Outside of this country, they refer to us, the U.S., as "big Satan" and Israel as "little Satan."  Why do you think that is?  We are both democracies, that's why.  C
ain understands what's going on with these Muslims, that they are a religion of conquest - they conquer countries and take over - or else!  That is a basic fundamental truth about Islam.  Cain has it - the truth - and I am thrilled about it!

 ** I often get distracted doing more research on articles as I actually type them into the blog, and as I was finishing this post, I "Googled," "What is Herman Cain's occupation?" 
 Shocker:  The Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City was on his list of former occupations.  According to a YouTube video I found featuring Herman Cain, even though he no longer sits on the Board of Directors of the Federal Reserve Bank, he adamantly defends the Fed and states, "There is no reason to audit the Federal Reserve."  You can view this video on the News Videos page of this website.  My suspicions alone, after hearing this video, are enough for me to disqualify Cain for president.  The Feds are not dummys.  Just as they helped fund and groom Obama for the job, they could very well be behind Cain.  Unfortunately, Cain is out for me.  Anyone connected to the Federal Reserve Bank, the Builderbergs, Trilateral Commission, the United Nations or the European Union is out, as far as I'm concerned.  There's too much of a risk.  If you aren't aware of the reasons I say this by now, you really need to see the video about these groups on the News Videos page of this website and educate yourself.  These people are running the world and they have an agenda and it's not good.