Photo Credit: Flickr - Playing Futures: Applied Nomadology
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There is a good reason why felons do not retain certain rights once they have been convicted...For one thing, according to the Pew Safety Performance Project study released in April 2011, the most comprehensive study ever done on released prisoners returning to prison, found that 52 percent went back to prison!
Attorney General Eric Holder has a serious complaint against the conservative states in the US that do not allow felons to vote.
“In many states, felony disenfranchisement laws are still on the books and the current scope of these policies is not only too significant to ignore, it is also too unjust to tolerate,” Holder said.
Famous dictators have given perks to lawless and brutal felons before they took control of nations and killed millions; it is their MO (modus operandi - mode of operation). The reason they do that is because they need criminal brute force behind their own crimes when they rise to power.The Word of God tells us that in the last days a fierce dictator will control the world.
“They worshiped the dragon (satan), which gave power to the beast (antichrist – last days global dictator), and they worshiped the beast, saying, ‘Who is like unto the beast? Who is able to make war with him?’” Revelation 13:4.
“And it was given unto him (antichrist) to make war with the saints and to overcome them, and power was given him over all kindreds, tongues and nations” Revelation 13:7.
Before that happens, not only must the world’s greatest nation be plundered, as this administration under Barack Hussein Obama is doing now, but the brute beasts of the world will gather together to formulate the force needed to eliminate their opposition.
You may not believe that now, but the taking down of the nations, especially the United States of America, is shifting into high gear right now. Those with eyes to see can spot the tenets of the Communist Manifesto unfolding before our very eyes.
Holder called on the American people to "join us in bringing about the end of misguided policies that unjustly restrict what’s been called the ‘most basic right’ of American citizenship.”
This is nothing less than totally outrageous. Felons, murderers, thieves, extortionists, rapists, child molesters, and other violent criminals do not have the “most basic rights” of American citizens; they gave up those rights when they decided to murder, brutalize and victimize other decent, innocent, law abiding victims in this nation! Hello? Is anyone home?
I doubt it.
The Word of God tells us,
“…God has given us power, love and a sound mind” 2 Timothy 1:7.
We see the opposite of this in those who are under satanic influence, rendering them mentally incapacitated, or not capable of doing what is decent and just in society, because of who they serve. The Bible tells us,
"Do you not know that to whom you yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants you are...?" Romans 6:16.
We are witnessing the cohesiveness of people under satanic influence, who are rapidly forming a liberal Socialist regime in the United States of America, after a half-century of demoralization efforts in this nation. Satan is no dummy. He knows all the rules; he did it before in Germany, Russia, China, Viet Nam, Cambodia, North Korea and many other nations whose citizens are starved, slaughtered, penniless and oppressed. Most US citizens appear to be either too demoralized and satanically influenced to care, or too penniless to do anything about it.
The National Review Online reported today that the Colorado Health Exchange Director has been indicted for fraud and theft. Christa Ann McClure was charged with eight counts of theft and fraud from a nonprofit housing agency in Billings, CO.HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius admitted before a Senate panel that
the Obamacare exchange administrators, those who see all of your personal identifying
information, are not even put through background checks before being hired! "Felons could have been hired as Obamacare navigators," she said. This is outrageous!
Why does Obama want to eliminate our borders and the deportation of illegal immigrants? He knows Muslim terrorists are infiltrating this country through the US/Mexico border. Bear in mind, he has authorized the immigration of tens of thousands of Muslims into America.
Why so much focus on liberalism and laws to benefit felons, when a great deal of upstanding citizens are unemployed, millions are now lacking health insurance because they can't afford Obamacare, the "Affordable Care Act," all while we are on the brink of social and economic collapse?
It is vitally important to Socialists that they take down the moral fabric of a nation, encourage evil behavior, then they solicit the favor and sentiments of the brute beasts they have created. Hitler did it, Stalin did it, Lenin did it, Zedong did it. These collectively, by the way, murdered an estimated 118 million men, women and children to further their dictatorial regimes! Contemplate that number of people...
This kind of killing and power-wielding still occurs in China, North Korea, Viet Nam, Cambodia and throughout the Middle East, except Israel. It will become global soon, and other great nations, such as Russia and Germany, are ready to flip with the "sleight of hand."
Not in America?
History repeats itself, and the reason for
that is because satan always has the same MO! By the way, Barack Obama was a member of the Socialist New Party in Chicago, before he ran for president. Obama's ideology follows that of Saul Alinsky, a Marxist liberal who wrote Rules for Radicals, and dedicated the book to "Lucifer." Obama taught students Alinsky principles as a community organizer in Chicago, IL.
Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and the remaining prophecies will come to pass. If you aren't sure about that, I highly recommend a book written by John F Walvoord, Every Prophecy of the Bible.
The Word of God tells us that we have to believe the promise of
salvation and eternal life in order to receive it.
"He who believes and is baptized shall be saved; but he who believes not shall be damned" Mark 16:16.
Jesus said,
"And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?" John 11:26.
The soul lives forever and the Word of God promises those who believe will receive a new glorified body (1 Corinthians 15:42-58).
Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth? If not, please visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this website. Your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.
In : Destruction to the United States
Tags: "eric holder" "felons must vote"