How Free Are You?
Posted by L A on Monday, May 21, 2012 Under: Christian Persecution
I received a mailer this week from Jay Sekulow, a conservative Christian attorney, who is the Chief Counsel of the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), a law firm which battles head on assaults against religious freedoms, the lives of unborn babies, our Constitution, civil liberties and human rights. Jay's letter included information about the attack on religious freedom and freedom of speech, the First Amendment rights of churches in America.
Since Linden B. Johnson added an Amendment to a tax bill in 1954, which enacted law that pulls the tax exempt status of churches if they participate in political activities. Jay states, "The IRS has no business silencing pastors. That's why legislation like HR 3600, sponsored by Rep. Walter B. Jones, is so important. This legislation would protect the constitutional rights of pastors and put an end to the reign of the IRS "speech police."
Jay Sekulow and his team are constantly in battle to preserve our constitutional rights, religious freedoms and the right to life for unborn babies. Jay has argued 12 cases before the Supreme Court, including landmark cases which have become a part of the legal landscape in the area of religious liberty litigation.
The Bible says, "Whoever walks uprightly will be saved; but he who is perverse in his ways will fall at once" Psalms 28:18.
"If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter." George Washington
ACLJ relies heavily on Christian supporters to keep up the honorable and necessary fight for our religious freedoms and constitutional rights. If the Lord lays it on your heart to support ACLJ's legal work, please follow this link to the ACLJ website. God bless you.
Since Linden B. Johnson added an Amendment to a tax bill in 1954, which enacted law that pulls the tax exempt status of churches if they participate in political activities. Jay states, "The IRS has no business silencing pastors. That's why legislation like HR 3600, sponsored by Rep. Walter B. Jones, is so important. This legislation would protect the constitutional rights of pastors and put an end to the reign of the IRS "speech police."
Jay Sekulow and his team are constantly in battle to preserve our constitutional rights, religious freedoms and the right to life for unborn babies. Jay has argued 12 cases before the Supreme Court, including landmark cases which have become a part of the legal landscape in the area of religious liberty litigation.
The Bible says, "Whoever walks uprightly will be saved; but he who is perverse in his ways will fall at once" Psalms 28:18.
"If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter." George Washington
ACLJ relies heavily on Christian supporters to keep up the honorable and necessary fight for our religious freedoms and constitutional rights. If the Lord lays it on your heart to support ACLJ's legal work, please follow this link to the ACLJ website. God bless you.
Tags: "hr 3600" "freedom of speech" "religious freedom" "aclj" "jay sekulow"