by Michael McAuliff:  Washington - Congress would give the president ultimate authority to detain American citizens indefinitely in military custody under the final version of a defense bill expected to pass this week.  The National Defense Authorization Act was facing the threat of a presidential veto, after the White House complained that it restricted the administration's ability to fight terrorism and raised "serious and unsettled legal questions."  The conference committee working out the differences between the Senate and House versions of the bill added and amended several provisions in an attempt to produce legislation that would pass muster with President Barack Obama, who appealed personally for fixes.  The version released Monday night still contains the authority to indefinitely imprison suspects linked to al Qaeda or associated groups, including citizens captured in the United States.  "We have in the bill the authority to detain without charge or trial terrorism suspects," said Raha Wala, a lawyer with the Law and Security Program of the group Human Rights First.  "There aren't any material changes to the indefinite detention provision," he said in a conference call organized by the progressive National Security Network.  To try to meet the White House's concerns, lawmakers shifted the responsibility for granting waivers under the legislation from the Defense Department to the president.  

Commentary:  There you have it.  Not only does this president have nothing to say about Islamic terrorists, because that language has been removed from all military manuals, as dictated by Obama, but now he has the power to detain American citizens indefinitely, effective next week.  That wouldn't be so alarming, if the bill targeted the real terrorists, whom President Obama refuses to identify or talk about; but according to the Department of Homeland Security, Christians who believe in the apocalypse and American Veterans who have served in the Middle East, are considered potential terrorists by this administration.  Can you read between the lines here?  
Forget the fact that it was a Muslim psychiatrist who went crazy and shot and killed 13 of our US troops and wounded 29 other troops at Fort Hood, while screaming "allah akbar (allah is great);" Obama doesn't want to talk about that, or even let anyone acknowledge that he was a Muslim terrorist.  Why do you suppose this bill is necessary, since we already toss terrorists into Guantanamo Bay indefinitely?  You would think we already have the problem under control with that detention strategy, right?  Wrong - our US Department of Homeland Security has a list of potential terrorists, which is made up of Christians and Veterans, who risked their lives for this country!  This list was initiated by the Obama administration.  Why do you suppose that is?  I can only think of one thing.  The Muslim terrorists will not get angry or upset when US citizens are suppressed, oppressed and depressed within a Marxist-Socialist government; that's right, it will be freedom-loving, Christians and Veterans who will get upset, real upset, that they have been duped - until the last minute, when we are all taken prisoners in our own country - without Constitutional Rights or the 27 Amendments added thereto.  With this far left-wing president, we are looking at a USA much like China, North Korea, Vietnam, or how about Sharia Middle Eastern governance?  This is what he is aiming for.  He is a power-hungry Muslim with a Sharia-socialist mentality.  As Representative Allen West (R-FL) so truthfully put it, "What you continue to see is a third world dictator-like arrogance; that's what I saw in that speech [by Obama] last week."  He was also quoted on the Laura Ingraham Show as saying, "This whole talk about shared prosperity (Obama's campaign strategy) -- that really gives me the goosebumps because I'm starting to believe that a community organizer (Barack Obama was a community organizer in Chicago) is nothing but a low-level socialist agitator."  The Bible tells us that in the last days, the Antichrist will rise and gain power over the entire world.  He will cause everyone to receive a mark on their right hand or forehead, most likely similar to the RFID chip (which accompanies the new healthcare plan).  Everything is falling right in line with Bible prophecy.  "He causes all, both great and small, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark on their right hand, or in their foreheads, so no man might buy or sell, except those who have the mark, or the name of the beast (Antichrist), or the number of his name.  Here is wisdom: let he who has understanding count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man and his number is six hundred, sixty-six" Revelation 13:16-18.  Are you saved from the oppression and destruction to come?  If not, please visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this website.  God bless you.