Indiana News: At least 13 tornadoes touched down in Indiana as numerous severe thunderstorms bore down on the state Wednesday, injuring at least 34 people. There were two new confirmed tornadoes in central Indiana, one in Decatur County, adding to another that had already been confirmed there, and another in the Morristown area of Shelby County. Another tornado was confirmed in Parke County. "In the 20 years I have been with the Fire Department, this is the worst I have ever seen," said Greensburg Fire Chief Scott Chasteen. Seven other tornadoes also touched down, including another one in Newton County, another one in Dubois County, one near Bloomington, two in Jasper County, one in Pulaski County and one in Decatur County.
My Comments: They keep coming in record numbers, killer tornadoes like we have never seen since 1925, but that isn't a good comparison because we didn't have the warning systems we have now back then. The Bible tells us there will be signs in the heavens, "Great earthquakes will be in various places and famines, pestilences and there will be fearful sights and great signs in heaven" Luke 21:11. "I will show wonders in heaven above, signs in the earth beneath, blood, fire and vapor of smoke" Acts 2:19.
Here are statistics from just the last three years (
2011 2010 2009
JAN 0 0 0
FEB 1 0 9
MAR 1 1 0
APR 360 11 6
MAY 150 7 5
JUN - 12 0
JUL - 2 0
AUG - 1 0
SEP - 2 0
OCT - 0 1
NOV - 0 0
DEC - 9 0
SUM 512 45 21
In : Storms
"killer storms in the us" "tornado statistics"