Islam Being Taught in American Schools
Posted by L A on Monday, March 11, 2013 Under: American Schools
CSCOPE is a controversial online curriculum that teaches students "Allah is God" and is used in 80 percent of Texas school districts. A source in the Texas education system told WND that Common Core operatives in the US Department of Education are actively pursuing CSCOPE as a way around the Texas legislative process.
WND reported, "Texas is one of the few states still resisting implementation of Common Core, Obama's national standards initiative, which many feel is a transparent attempt to nationalize education and progressively control classroom content, with minimal parental oversight. Implementation of Common Core is known to have been made a condition of school systems' receipt of federal dollars under Obama's 'Race to the Top' program."
CSCOPE has come under fire for its radical content and secrecy.
William "Bill" Ayers, Obama's friend and mentor, was part of the Weather Underground terrorist group, which attempted to bomb the Pentagon in the 70s, for which he said he had "no regrets." Ayers has strong ties to CSCOPE. Linda Darling-Hammond has worked closely with Ayers and she has given lectures on CSCOPE and was part of Obama's educational transition team. She is a primary advocate and proponent of Common Core in Texas.
CSCOPE lessons promote Islam, teaches conversion and presents verses from the Qu'ran which denigrate other faiths. Wicca (witchcraft) is being taught alongside Christianity, but that lesson has been removed. Once inquiries are raised about the lesson contents, they are removed.
WND has documented numerous instances of lessons being deleted after their use in the classrooms.
WND further reported that when it was discovered that Islam was being given preferential status, as part of a study on the world's major religions, CSCOPE administrators deleted the lesson plan and associated PowerPoint in the presence of two sources, leaving no trace online.
Through technology, documentation of this lesson and other controversial content has been recovered and reviewed by Texas educators and WND.
Obama's Socialist-Progressive Department of Education is out to pollute the minds of children in America. Do you know what your children are being taught in school? If they are enrolled in public schools, I can assure you it isn't good. Anyone and everyone who can should remove their children from the public school system and search out Christian private schools, or consider home education. The contents of curriculum and lessons being taught in public schools in America are very destructive and the information is too vast to cover in this article. In summary, the curriculum contents include explicit sex and homosexual education (inappropriate at any age) to very young children, people evolve from apes (disproven by mathematicians), Socialist ideology, Islam in some schools, and the list goes on. Many children throughout the nation have gone from pre-70s polite and well-mannered to radical and raging. You can thank public schools for much of it.
Home Education can be an alternative, even against all odds. Please visit the Home Education page of this website for more information and possible options. The minds and eternal souls of your children are worth it.
The Word of God says, "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it" Proverbs 22:6.
The Word of God instructs us to teach our children, not hand them over to the secular and Godless to be taught abominations, "You shall lay up My Words in your heart and in your soul and bind them for a sign upon your hand, that they may be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall teach them to your children, speaking of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way, when you lie down and when you rise up" Deuteronomy 11:18-19.
In the early 1900s, when most children were homeschooled in the US, with the Bible used as the central focus, children were still polite, obedient to their parents and moral. Look at what has happened to children morally, socially and spiritually since the 1970s, when sex education and evolution were brought into public schools, but prayer and God was kicked out; then ask yourself which generation's educational system you would prefer your children be subjected to.
We are living in the last generation before the return of the Lord. The Word of God tells us that no man knows the day or the hour that the Lord will return, but Jesus did say, "Likewise, when you see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors" Matthew 24:33. Are you ready to face God? If not, please visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this website. Your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.
In : American Schools
Tags: "cscope" "pubic education" "home education"