Israel: "Obama 'naive' on Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood"
Posted by Leisa Amorosa on Thursday, January 5, 2012 Under: Sharia law
Obama and his Cousin Raila Odinga, Prime Minister of Kenya.
Israel Today by Ryan Jones (excerpts): Israel's National Security Council determined during an emergency meeting last week that US President Barack Obama is "naive" when it comes to Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood and the dangers it poses. The council, which exists to provide strategic assessments to the Prime Minister and his cabinet, met in Jerusalem for a discussion entitled "The Challenge of the Rise of the Muslim Brotherhood and its Offshoots." The meeting was called as the Muslim Brotherhood was wrapping up its wildly successful showing in Egypt's first democratic election since the fall of former dictator Hosni Mubarak. With the votes from the third round of voting expected to be tallied soon, the Brotherhood is predicted to control at least 40 percent of the Egyptian parliament. The even more radical al-Nour party came in second place with 25-30 percent of the vote. When it became increasingly clear over the summer that the Muslim Brotherhood was emerging as Egypt's new dominant force, Obama's reaction was to "engage" the party that had once been shunned by Washington as a terrorist organization. Just last month, Obama dispatched Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Senator John Kerry to meet with Muslim Brotherhood leaders in Cairo. Both Obama's initial reaction to fears of a Brotherhood takeover and his response once such a takeover became inevitable were "naive" and place the region at increased risk, warned Israel's National Security Council. Just this week, the Muslim Brotherhood's second in command told Arab media that once in power, his group will never recognize Israel and will work to undo the Camp David Accords, a policy that has the potential to unhinge what's left of regional stability.
Commentary: Israel's very kind and considerate response to Obama's treachery towards Israel since he took office would be expected. The facts are these: Obama worked to oust every dictator in the surrounding countries, who were at least at an even tone with Israel, if not abiding by a peace treaty, such as Mubarak. Not to give any real credit to these dictators, but what we see here is the surrounding nations going from bad to worse, which many familiar with the Middle East and the political winds there predicted precisely. Obama was raised a Muslim; his father is a Muslim, as are many close relatives in Kenya. Obama stood by his cousin Raila Odinga, as he ran for the presidential post in Kenya, and as Odinga's supporters burned 200 people alive inside of a church where they took refuge, when Odinga lost the election. His supporters killed 700, displacing 250,000 within a month after the election. In just over six weeks, the death toll had risen to 1,500 with 500,000 homeless. Obama was in Kenya supporting his cousin's campaign and he spent 24 million to assist in changing the Kenya constitution to a Sharia compliant one. In order to keep the peace, the president offered Obama's cousin the position of Prime Minister in Kenya. Obama praised Kenya for approving the controversial new constitution that partially implemented Sharia law in Kenya (source: Atlas Shrugs). Is Obama ignorant of the Muslim Brotherhood? No, emphatically no, he is not.
The Word of God says, "He causes all both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads, that no man might buy or sell, except he who had the mark, or the name of the beast (the Antichrist), or the number of his name" Revelation 13:16-17. "I saw the souls of those who were beheaded for the witness of Jesus and for the Word of God, and who had not worshiped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark in their foreheads or in their hands" Revelation 20:4.
In : Sharia law
Tags: "obama wants to strengthen ties with muslim brotherhood" "israel says obama is naive"