Rocket fired into Israel from Gaza. 
 Israel Today by Ryan Jones:  Palestinian terrorists operating out of the Gaza Strip fired two rockets into southern Israel on Tuesday, one of which slammed into the storage room of a local kindergarten.  The kindergarten reportedly sustained serious damage, but fortunately there were no casualties, as the attack took place after school hours.  Israel responded with an aerial assault on terror targets in Gaza, including a tunnel that was being dug under the Gaza security fence in order to facilitate a terrorist infiltration of southern Israel.  Tuesday's rocket fire was a continuation of the escalating attacks emanating from Gaza over the past two months.  Israeli Chief of Staff Lt. General Benny Gantz told the Kenesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee that the situation in Gaza will soon necessitate a large scale military operation.  "Eventually we will have to employ operational activity," said Gantz, promising that the next Gaza incursion will be premeditated, organized and swift.  "For the next clash, we will need to shorten the combat duration as much as possible.  This depends on high quality intelligence and fast operational activity, which is why we must be prepared," the army chief explained.  Israel's last large scale incursion into Gaza in December 2008-January 2009 was a spontaneous operation that quickly became mired in brutal street combat that provided far too many opportunities for Hamas and its international supporters to propagate allegations of Israeli abuse.  

Commentary:  Our nation and any other nation in the world would have already wiped Gaza off the face of the map.  Our US government would never put up with such a thing day after day, with only a mild defense, such as Israel puts out.  If Mexico or Canada attacked the US in such a way, the perpetrator would not exist any longer; we all know that.  Yet, because Israel is surrounded by so many enemies who hate him, he has been extremely patient, and the haters still criticize Israel!  The Word of God tells us that God's patience wears out with Palestine and here is what He said through the prophet Ezekiel about 2,600 years ago concerning these last days, "Thus says the Lord God, Because the Philistines (same as Palestinians) have dealt by revenge and have taken vengeance with a despiteful heart, to destroy it (Israel) for their old hatred; therefore, says the Lord God: Behold, I will stretch out my hand upon the Philistines and I will cut off the Cherethims and destroy the remnant of the sea coast (Gaza)" Ezekiel 25:15-16.  They will have taunted Israel with their last rocket sometime in the near future, according to the prophet, and not one of his words have "fallen to the ground" yet!