4/8/11, Israel Today: Palestinian terrorists operating out of the Gaza strip on Thursday launched a barrage of no fewer than 45 missiles, rockets and mortar shells at communities in southern Israel. In one particularly devilish act, a Palestinian terrorist fired a shoulder-launched anti-tank missile at an Israeli school bus on the other side of the Gaza security fence. The driver of the bus and a 16-year-old student were both wounded. The young boy remains in critical condition following emergency surgery.
Much of the world has criticized Israel; and the Obama administration, the EU, UN, and the CFR are all pro-Palestinian in their opinions, yet Israeli diplomats continuously reach out to the surrounding Muslim nations for peace talks. On the other hand, the surrounding Palestinians, Hamas and Hezbollah all want to wipe Israel off of the map. They don't want peace, they just want all Israelis dead! The Obama administration, the EU, UN and the CFR have all consistently embraced Palestinians and Muslims throughout the Middle East and they have all criticized Israel almost each and every time Israel makes one move to defend himself amidst a daily barrage of missiles from the Palestinians. Does this sound reasonable and sane to you? The bottom line is evil, wicked people do insane things and they are not reasonable, so I suppose that sums it up.
In : Abominations
"palestinian terrorists strike israeli school bus" "terrorism"