Jewish-Muslim Coalition Calls for Rebuilding the Temple
Posted by Leisa Amorosa on Monday, November 14, 2011 Under: Prophecy
Members of Sanhedrin and Adnan Oktar Adnan Oktar (excerpts): In July 2009, a historic meeting took place between members of the Jewish Sanhedrin (the ruling judicial body of the Jewish faith) and a well-known Turkish Muslim leader, Adnan Oktar, who uses the pseudonym Harun Yahya. "One of their stated goals was to wage a joint intellectual and spiritual battle against the worldwide growing tide of irreligiousness, unbelief and immorality," according to a World Net Daily report. Even more interesting than this unprecedented coalition was their mutual desire to rebuild the Jewish Temple. They believe that a rebuilt temple can help bring the three Abrahamic faiths (Jews, Christians and Muslims) together in peace. Furthermore, Oktar claims that this temple could be rebuilt within one year! In a statement posted on their website,, the members of the Sanhedrin, along with Adnan Oktar, set forth in further detail their expectations and objectives in their plan for peaceful coexistence. In an eye-catching statement in a section entitled, "Plan for Peace," the Sanhedrin state:
Out of a sense of collective responsibility for world peace and for all humanity, we have found it timely to call to the world and exclaim that there is a way out for all peoples. It is etched in a call to all humanity: we are all the sons of one father, the descendants of Adam and all humanity is but a single family. Peace among the nations will be achieved through building the house of G-d, where all peoples will serve as foreseen by King Solomon in his prayers at the dedication of the First Holy Temple. Come, let us love and respect and love one another, and love and honor and hold our heavenly Father in awe. Let us establish a house of prayer in His name in order to worship and serve Him together, for the sake of His great compassion. He surely does not want the blood of His creation spilled, but prefers love and peace among all mankind. We pray to the Almighty Creator that you hearken to our call. Together - each according to his or her ability - we shall work towards the building of the House of Prayer for all nations on the Temple Mount in peace and mutual understanding." (emphasis added)
In Mr. Oktar's section of the declaration, he talks a lot about the need for peace among the Jews and Muslims and asserts that the Turkish Islamic Union can help bring about that peace. He states that "the establishment of this union under Turkish leadership is essential for the salvation of the Middle East and the whole world...If such a union is established, then by Allah's leave, Muslims, Jews and Christians will all be at ease. Conflict and fighting will come to a complete end. Once the Turkish-Islamic union is founded, Jews will be able to live freely in those lands without the need for walls.
* (emphasis added) Oktar's last statements seem eerily similar to the passage found in Ezekiel 38, where the Lord is speaking to Gog [modern day Russia] and the nations in alliance with it, one of which happens to be the nation of Turkey: "In future years you will invade a land that has recovered from war, whose people were gathered from many nations to the mountains of Israel, which had long been desolate. They had been brought out from the nations, and now all of them live in safety...You will say, I will invade a land of unwalled villages; I will attack a peaceful and unsuspecting people - all of them living without walls and without gates and bars." (emphasis added)
It is interesting to note that the Sanhedrin and Oktar believe the Temple will be a way to bring peace, not only in the Middle East region, but also to the world. According to the Bible, their plan to rebuild the Temple and bring peace to the region will be successful. Several passages in the Bible (2 Thessalonians 2:4; Daniel 9:27; Matthew 24:15: Revelation 11:1) imply that the Temple will be functioning during the end times and will be the place where the Antichrist sets himself up to be worshipped as G-d, but not before he brings a pseudo-peace (1Thessalonians 5:3) to the Middle East region. It appears that Adnan Oktar and the Jewish Sanhedrin are on their way to fulfilling Bible prophecy!
Commentary: The Sanhedrin are falling hook, line and sinker for this astute Muslim's ploy! If the plan comes to fruition, it will be no surprise at all to those of us who are spiritually awake. In fact, it presents a scenario that has played out in the minds of us who are inclined to God's Word and who discern the times. Adnan Oktar is a very prominent Muslim leader and he has written over 300 books. He is a Sunni zealot and, although he puts on a very compromising and peace-loving front, you can rest assured that he believes every word of the Qu'ran and holds the Hadith in equally as high regard; he is devout. He has a huge following, many of whom are wealthy and very supportive. The social organization has taken on a Messianic nature. His book, Judaism and Freemasonry, was appealing to many, wherein he denounced materialism and Darwinism. After 9/11, Oktar published a book called Islam Denounces Terrorism. He wrote of interfaith principles, attempting to unify Muslims, Christians and Jews. He built a large publishing company and sells books worldwide through Muslim bookstores. He is one of the most widely distributed authors in the Muslim world and he hosts a television show. In 2007, he sent thousands of unsolicited copies of his book Atlas of Creation advocating Islam and creationism to schools and colleges in Europe and the US. He wrote a book denying the Holocaust, The Holocaust Lie, then later denied writing it, stating a member of his organization wrote it and published it under his pen name, Harun Yahya. He later wrote a book denouncing the first named The Holocaust Violence, writing about the horrors suffered by the Jews during the Holocaust. This man is cunning and fabricates lies to further his cause as needed. Jews and Christians are for rebuilding the Temple, but certainly not under the cloak of interfaithism and it being a Temple for all faiths. If Adnan Oktar is successful in not only conning the Sanhedrin, but the Knesset as well in his quest to build an interfaith Temple in Israel, watch out and listen for that last trumpet sound - gravity will no longer hold us down! "Let no man deceive you by any means, for that day (Christ's return) will not come, except there be those who fall away first, and that man of sin be revealed" 2 Thessalonians 2:3.
In : Prophecy
Tags: "jewish-muslim coalition to rebuild the temple" "interfaith temple in israel" "adnan oktar"