Joel Osteen, Pastor of Lakewood Church. (excerpts):  Houston megachurch leader Joel Osteen will soon be coming to a television near you - this time as the star of his own reality show.  The preacher and his family have partnered with "Survivor" producer Mark Burnett for a show about Lakewood Church's mission trips, the Associated Press reports.  The show which will focus on "people helping people," is expected to air sometime in 2012.  Don Iloff, Lakewood spokesperson, told the Chronicle that the program will have a feel-good premise.

Commentary:  This is not surprising at all and, unfortunately, as wonderful and uplifting as it all is, the Bible tells us about "feel-good" preachers - and the news isn't good.  The half of God's Word that Joel Osteen does preach is truth and absolutely wonderful!  The only problem is, he leaves out the other half, a half just as important as the "feel-good" half.  With God, you take Him at His all - or nothing.  With God's Son, the Savior of the world, you take Him at His all - or nothing.  With God's Word, you take it in its entirety - or nothing.  You can take only the "feel-good" half, but if you are not a follower of the entire Word of God, the "feel-good" half won't do you a bit of good.  The Apostle Paul wrote to Timothy, before laying his neck on the chopping block for preaching the gospel, "Preach the Word of God; be instant in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine; for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but after their own lusts, they will heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears.  They will turn away their ears from the truth and be turned to fables" 2 Timothy 4:2-4.  Jesus preached about love, forgiveness and charity in all respects.  There is no doubt Joel Osteen's reality program about charity will be a success and it is so needed in the world.  Nevertheless, Jesus also preached and warned about disobedience to God and the punishment of hell ten times throughout His ministry.  Joel Osteen refuses to preach against sin and he absolutely refuses to preach about the punishment of hell.  He is not following the teachings of Christ, in that he preaches only a "feel-good" message and he refuses to warn those who will not forsake sin about the wrath of God and judgment to come.  We need to pray for Joel Osteen, that he will repent and teach those who rely on his ministry the whole truth, not just the "feel-good" half.  Jesus said, "Fear not those who can kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul, but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell" Matthew 10:28.  You will never hear that message from Joel Osteen, unless he repents of the apostasy he has undertaken.