Judgment Day Preparations Gather Steam Around the Globe
Posted by Leisa Amorosa on Friday, May 13, 2011 Under: False Prophets
Global Post: People around the world are preparing for what many expect to be Judgment Day, May 21, 2011. Harold Camping, a preacher from Oakland, CA, predicted the second coming of the Lord will take place on May 21. He said that at about 6 pm on May 21, about 2% of the world's population will be raptured to heaven, and every one else is going to hell. Camping 89, apparently has great public relations skills. He has billboards up all around the United States and is often heard on the radio. Camping's California-based Christian group, Family Radio, has sent travelling caravans of believers around the globe. The group sends out banners informing people of the upcoming Judgment Day. Donations from listeners to the Family Radio have enabled the group to broadcast its message of Judgment Day. Camping has programs in 48 languages, has followers around the globe and has radio stations in Russia, Turkey and South Africa. After 70 years of studying the Bible, he claims to have developed a system that uses mathematics to interpret prophecies hidden in it. He says the world will end on May 21, because that will be 772,500 days from 1 April AD 33, which he believes was the day of the crucifixion. The figure 722,500 is important, he said, because you get it by multiplying three holy numbers (5, 10 and 17) together twice. "When I found this out, I tell you, it blew my mind." Camping told New York Magazine that he is certain May 21 is absolutely the day. He said God has given so much information in the Bible about this, so many proofs, and so many signs that we know it is absolutely going to happen without any question at all.
My Comments: Most Christians already know that the end is very near, because of the prophecies fulfilled in the Bible, which point to the End of the Age, according to the Old Testament prophets and the words of Jesus in Matthew 24 and other passages. The world will not end when the rapture takes place, because the scriptures tell us that after Christ and His saints return to earth and destroy Israel's enemies, He (Christ) will rule and reign on the earth for 1,000 years, before the earth's elements are "melted with fervent heat," and then the New Jerusalem comes down out of heaven (Revelation 19, 20, 21). This is what the Bible says and it is contrary to Camping's prediction that the world will end on May 21. More importantly, Jesus Himself said that "No man knows the day or the hour, no man, not even the angels of heaven, but the Father knows only" Matthew 24:36. It wouldn't surprise me at all if the Lord returned this month of May; His coming is imminent. However, I'm convinced it won't happen on May 21st, otherwise, our Savior would be a liar. So, unfortunately for Mr. Camping, Christ could come at any moment, but it will not likely happen on May 21; God doesn't lie. When people, even if they are sincere, go about setting dates, it brings such a reproach to the name of Christ among unbelievers. We, as Christians, can forgive those who make zealous mistakes, but it brings about scoffing and ridicule from the unsaved and for that reason, it is very disappointing, to say the least, when this happens. Lord, come quickly!
In : False Prophets
Tags: "camping predicts the world will end on may 21"