R.W. Schambach was a renowned minister who I have enjoyed listening to over the years.  I have cassette recordings of his sermons, which I still love to replay time and again.  Pastor Schambach passed on to be with our Lord on January 17, 2012, but his messages and his legacy still live on.

Pastor Schambach preached a sermon about an incident that occurred when he was a boilermaker many years ago.  His boss needed a boilermaker and was unable to get any one of his many other boilermakers to work an extra shift.  He called Pastor Schambach into his office and asked him to do the job.  Pastor Schambach initially refused, but his employer offered to raise his position and pay him double time, if he would stay on and do the job, so he agreed to work.

Later that evening, his boss called him into his office again and asked him to sit down.  Pastor Schambach told him he would stand, "if you don't mind; I have a lot of work to do yet."  His employer said, "Help yourself." 

He asked, "Preacher, does God know everything?"  Pastor Schambach said, "What?"  He was startled; he thought it was going to be a job-related question.  His boss said, "Will you just answer the question?"  Pastor Schambach thought about the fact that his boss elevated his position, was paying him double time and that he is now asking him an "idiotic" question like, "Does God know everything?" 

Pastor Schambach said, "Of course He does!"  Then his boss asked him, "Does he know whether or not I'm going to get saved?"  Pastor Schambach said, "Oh...I think I will sit down." 

His boss said again, "Will you just answer the question?"  Pastor Schambach said, "Oh, not yet.  Don't you see it?  You couldn't find a boilermaker to stay and do this job.  The only one you could find was 'the preacher.'  Before I answer your question, I have to tell you that God is giving you your last chance; don't blow it.  You'll never have another chance after this day."

What a man of God!  Pastor Schambach knew instantly that God was giving this man his last opportunity to receive, or reject God.  The Spirit of God impressed upon him that his boss, among so many other boilermakers working there, could only find "the preacher" to do the job.  Pastor Schambach had the Spirit of God in him and spiritual discernment to know what God was doing right at that moment.

Pastor Schambach went on to say during this sermon how he felt the anointing of God that day and he knew that the Lord had been tugging at his employer's heart to receive Jesus as his Savior and that his boss, at that moment, was at a critical spiritual crossroad and his answer to the Lord that day would be his "last chance." 

He answered his boss, "Yes sir, God knows whether or not you are going to get saved."  His boss said, "That's all I want to know - go back to work.  If He knows, then I'm in His hands." 

Pastor Schambach said, "Hold it," but his boss said, "That's all I want to hear - get back to work."  Pastor Schambach responded, "This is my work!  I'm not going anywhere."  His boss said, "I'll fire you!"  Pastor Schambach said, "I dare you!  God knows whether or not you are going to be saved, but first, you must be brought to a decision.  You will either accept, or reject; there's no in-between ground.  You either accept Him, or reject Him, and I'm going to bring you there now."  His boss said, "Get back to work!" 

Pastor Schambach said, "You just rejected God."  His boss retorted, "No, I didn't!" 

Pastor Schambach preached how he wept in his boss's office for about 30 minutes and begged him, crying and praying.  His boss told him, "I can't do it, I can't do it, I can't do it!"  Pastor Schambach told his boss that the Lord has already done it.  You only have to come and receive Him.

His boss said, "What will my friends at the country club say?"  He was a $300,000 a year man.  Pastor Schambach told him somberly, "You're going to let them send you to hell.  The country club won't do you any good after today, when you reject God." 

Pastor Schambach said he pleaded with him, begged him to come, but he rejected God; he rejected Him.

His boss said, even sadly, "Preacher, go back to work." 

Pastor Schambach said during his message, "I knew I lost that soul."  He said he went back and finished the job, went home, and got up and went to work at 7 AM again.  He said he was greeted by a lot of men at work.  They asked him if he "heard about the boss?"  Pastor Schambach was excited and said, "He got saved?"  They said, "No, man, after he left the plant last night...he was never sick a day in his life...but he went home and was at the door of his house, but he had a heart attack and died on the spot."  They said his wife heard him hit the ground and she called an ambulance when she found him.  They tried to revive him, but couldn't get a response or any sign of life. 

The Word of God says, "He, being often reproved and hardens his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed without remedy" Proverbs 29:1.

This type of message makes many people angry and they might ask, "Are you trying to scare me?"  Pastor Schambach's answer to that question, as he concluded his message, was, "Yes."  He went on to say, "Let me do it; don't let God do it."

This is not generally the type of article I post on this site.  Albeit, as soon as I opened my eyes, getting out of bed this morning, this preacher and this very message hit my mind immediately.  This is how God speaks to me at times, as soon as I wake up in the morning, a thought, or even a spoken message is given to me from an angel of God.  I knew immediately this morning that God was talking to me and I knew exactly what I should post on this page today.  God is talking to someone, or possibly a number of people, as you are reading this message. 

I will beg you, by the mercy of God, as Pastor Schambach begged his boss the evening before he died and lost his eternal soul to hell fire the following morning; please receive Jesus today, the One who died for your sins and mine, who paid the penalty for all of our sins on the cross.  His precious blood cleanses us from all unrighteousness, if we only receive it.  It's a free gift; it cannot be purchased, we only have to receive it. 

This life is only a moment, compared to eternity.  Please don't spend eternity hell, because of the wrong decision today.  Once we receive the Lord as Savior, He empowers us to live for Him; we don't have to worry about trying to accomplish anything with our own strength.  Won't you receive Him today?  If you haven't accepted Jesus as your Savior, please visit the How Can I Be Saved page.  Salvation is simple - it's only a prayer away.  God bless you.