Fox News:  Michigan lottery winner, Leroy Fick, won 2 million dollars from the state lottery, but is still eligible to receive food stamps, and he still gets food stamps.  Leroy Fick said he feels he is entitled to stay on the Food Stamp program because the state took more than half of his state lottery winnings and he only received $850,000!  "I even called them and asked them about the "bridge card" and the Department of Human Services said you can go ahead and keep it if you want to," Fick reportedly told the station.  State Department of Human Services spokeswoman Gisgie Gendreau told that under federal guidelines, lottery winnings are not counted as income if a person receives a lump sum payment.  Nearly 1.9 million Michigan residents are enrolled in the food stamp assistance program.  More than 805,000 are children, according to the Detroit Free Press.  In 2009, the Office of Inspector General investigated more than 2,600 food assistance complaints, finding more than 5 million in fraud.  

My Comments:  Not only do we have a "Ferdinando & Imelda Marcos" president and first lady, but now the administration allows millionaires to receive food stamps.  Do you think America is in a little trouble now?  I will continue to reiterate that the Word of God tells us that a one world government will formulate; it will be a dictatorship; everyone, yes even the United States, if we are still on the planet, will be prisoners of the dictatorship.  You will not be able to buy or sell without a mark on your right hand or forehead; it's in the Bible, "He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand or in their forehead" Revelation 13:16.  It is coming people.  The more the government spends us all into total and complete economic failure, it will happen shortly thereafter.  According to, there are said to be about 2,500 prophecies in the Bible and about 2,000 have been fulfilled, no errors.  Mark my words, or rather God's Words, this will happen.  Are you spiritually ready?