This is a continuation of a synopsis of Matthew 24.  In this chapter, Jesus spoke to His disciples about the signs that would be prevalent in the world when He returns.  During the last week, we have addressed nine signs and today we will take an in-depth look at the tenth sign indicating that the return of the Lord is near.  Jesus told His disciples about the tenth sign in Matthew 24:14, "This gospel of the kingdom will be preached for a witness to all nations, then the end will come."  

I researched every country's religions on the internet and there are Christian churches in every nation, some are house churches and some are underground, but Christians are in every nation witnessing and preaching the gospel.  In addition to that, the gospel is being broadcast by a number of Christian television networks throughout the world.  By way of television, internet, radio, iphones, other media sources, churches/house churches, street ministries, and mailers, the gospel is available in every nation.  Christianity is even the primary religion of the least populated country in the world, the Pitcairn Island (population 60)!  They have a Christian church on Pitcairn Island with eight members in regular attendance!   
Sources:; national government websites;  

Some internet discussions are going on about "how may people have still not heard the gospel in the world today," which is an important issue.  As Christians, we need to evangelize the world until the Lord returns.  Nevertheless, Jesus did not say that when every person hears the gospel, He will return.  He said, "This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world for a witness to all nations," not all people.  Jesus referred to getting the gospel to every nation.  The Bible tells us that, "The grace of God which brings salvation has appeared to all men" Titus 2:11.  It is impossible for us to know if every living soul, reaching the age of accountability, has actually heard the gospel from another human being.  However, we cannot underestimate God's ability to deal directly with individuals who have not heard the gospel from another person.  In fact, it is quite probable that there are indigenous peoples in remote parts of the world who have lived and died, who never heard the gospel from another person.  Nevertheless, since the Word of God says that this "grace which brings salvation has appeared to all men," we need to take that literally.  The Word of God is true.  If people haven't heard the gospel from a person in this world before their soul departs into eternity, I absolutely believe that the Lord appeared to that person Himself, just as He did for three days in the "heart of the earth (Matthew 12:40)," when he preached to the souls who died before He brought salvation to man, and thereby liberated them from that resting place.  I heard Rabbi Kirt Schneider give his testimony of how Jesus appeared to him in a vision and he received Jesus as his Savior that day.  Rabbi Schneider grew up in a Jewish home and he had never heard the gospel of Jesus Christ prior to his vision; he had only been taught Judaism.  He received Jesus and he has been serving the Lord for many years now as a Messianic Rabbi since his vision.  I have also heard numerous other testimonies of people who had visions of Jesus and they received the Lord because of their vision.  We cannot underestimate God's ability to minister to souls directly, who have never heard the gospel.  In fact, the Apostle Paul met Jesus on the Damascus road, and he too was saved during this visitation (Acts 9:2-6); he served the Lord from that day forward, then he died a martyr's death.  He was the greatest apostle, yet no one preached to him.  He saw Jesus in a vision and he went on to write most of the New Testament scripture, which he received by divine revelation (2 Corinthians 12), for no one taught him the things he wrote, except the Lord.  If we believe in God and if we believe His Word to be true, we must believe that He can and will appear to those who have not heard the gospel.  If we take the Word of God literally for what it says, we should also recognize that Jesus said the gospel would be preached to all nations, not all people. 

After hours of research and studying the various religions of all nations, I am convinced that this gospel of the kingdom has been preached to every nation throughout the world.  I am also convinced that we are living in the last generation before the return of Jesus and that His return is imminent, according to the ten signs He said would be prevalent in the world at the time of His return.  Have you received Jesus as your Savior?  If not, tomorrow could be too late.  If you haven't received the Lord as your Savior and if you haven't secured your eternal place in heaven with God the Savior, please visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this website.  God bless you.