Meningitis Cases Still on the Rise
Posted by L A on Tuesday, October 23, 2012 Under: Pestilences
Fungal meningitis
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) announced yesterday that a recent outbreak of fungal meningitis has infected 285 people, killing 23 in the United States. The health department also announced that there is no end in sight to the outbreak.
The outbreak is thought to have spread from steroids infected with fungal meningitis, which was produced by a Massachusetts pharmacy. The CDC estimates that 14,000 people may have been exposed to the tainted steroids.
The particular strain of meningitis, referred to in this report, is not contagious unless injected directly into the body. Symptoms include fever, severe headache, vomiting, stiff neck and confusion - to name a few.
With regard to tainted pharmaceuticals, there are plenty of conspiracies about childhood immunizations. I refused to allow my son to be immunized when he was a child. I received plenty of criticism and opposition, but I had a conviction about the complication and death rates when it came time to immunize. My ex-husband tried to enroll our son in a nearby elementary school one year and the school tried to convince him that the law mandates immunizations prior to enrollment. I called and informed them that I was very much aware of the fact that, even though they don't want anyone to know about it, there is a waiver on the reverse side of the immunization form, if parents choose to sign it. They shut their devious mouths and enrolled my son. For other reasons, like not being allowed to go to the restroom during class (even with his symptoms of Crohn's disease - explosive diarrhea), my son ran home during the morning recess, hysterical and sick, needing urgently to use the restroom. He refused to return to the school. My ex-husband's grandiose idea of a "better education experience" for our son was suddenly and cruelly shattered, so I resumed home education.
Getting back to the main point of tainted pharmaceuticals and immunizations, the bottom line for me was that children have died from childhood immunizations; that is not a secret. Compared to billions of people in the world, mortality rates are very low, but I wouldn't take one chance in a billion that they might kill my child! End of argument. Nurses and doctors tried to convince me that immunizations saved many lives. My response was that people in the US weren't afflicted with polio, mumps, measles, rubella, etc. They retorted, "You can't travel anywhere!" I responded, "We aren't going anywhere!" So, they had no response - finally mute. I never could figure out why they were so pushy about it. There weren't any outbreaks and we weren't planning any trips!
Jesse Ventura, former Governor of Minnesota and a former Navy Seal, interviewed a doctor who fled the United States to Panama recently, because she said that world leaders are preparing to "cull" the population through immunizations. There are plenty of other testimonies about this conspiracy, but I hadn't heard one when I felt a conviction not to allow my son to be immunized. I wasn't convinced he needed them, or that they were safe. He never suffered from the lack of them.
Jesus said, concerning the last days, "Nation will rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines, pestilences and earthquakes in various places" Matthew 24:7. There are numerous other scriptural references to the fact that there will be pestilences (diseases) in the last days, implying outbreaks/pandemics. We are seeing a great number of outbreaks and pandemics throughout the world, and according to Bible prophecy, they will continue to increase as we advance closer to the Lord's return.
We do have hope, comfort and salvation, but it only comes through Christ Jesus, our Savior; it can't be found in the world. Are you searching for peace, in the midst of the world's storms and chaos? I can testify that I have supernatural peace, even though I report catastrophic events and turmoil throughout the world day in and day out. The Word of God says, "You (God) will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind stays on You, because he trusts in You" Isaiah 26:3. Trust in the Lord and you will have peace. If you aren't saved, please visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this website. Salvation is simple - it's only a prayer away. God bless you.
In : Pestilences
Tags: "pestilence" "fungal meningitis" "fungal meningitis outbreak"