Muslim Charged with Beheading Two Christians in the US
Posted by L A on Wednesday, February 20, 2013 Under: Christian Persecution
Yusuf Ibrahim 28
Yusuf Ibrahim, a 28-year-old Muslim, was arrested in Philadelphia for beheading two Christians, after their bodies were found dismembered, with their heads and hands severed, in the back yard of a home in Buena Vista, New Jersey.
The Qu'ran says that Muslims should "smite unbelievers necks and cut every one of their fingers off" Qu'ran 8:12.
Obama has immigrated tens of thousands of Muslims into this nation during his presidency, 80,000 among a recent group. I wonder if Ibrahim was one of them (?). With many Muslims living in America now and given the Qu'ran's tenants of violence and mayhem, it was bound to start happening sooner or later, but this is not the first time. There have been other beheadings in the United States by Muslims; this is what their "holy book" tells them to do! They didn't leave their Islamic beliefs (including beheadings on Fridays in the town squares) in the Middle East.
The accused was found and arrested, as he drove a Mercedes belonging to one of the victims. Historically, when Muslims invade a town or village, they philter it, taking all possessions, including women and children as slaves. This is their "modus operandi," and it is what their Qu'ran (Muslim bible) tells them they can do!
In September, a well-known Jihadi writer on the internet, Muhib ru-yat al-Rahman, wrote that Muslims living in Denmark, Germany, Netherlands and the US should behead infidels who criticize Islam and "display their heads along roads!"
WND also confirmed a Sky News report of the crucifixion of dissidents, wrote Bob Unruh with WND. * Bob Unruh worked with the Associated Press for 30 years, prior to joining WND in 2006.
Obama's propagandized mainstream news media still has not reported the crucifixions in Egypt. I can only surmise that he doesn't want Americans to read such articles, while remembering he gave $770 million of this bankrupt nation's tax dollars to Muslims to refurbish mosques, or the fact that he had a strong hand in ousting former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak and Libya's president Muammar Gadaffi, to help bring Muslim terrorists from the Muslim Brotherhood into the presidential posts, or the fact that he has migrated tens of thousands of blood-letting Muslims into this nation, which should come in handy when the tyrannical president of the US decides to take complete dictatorial control over the nation, whoever that will be at the time, whether it be Obama, or a different Illuminati New World Order puppet.
Jesus said concerning the end times, "They will put you out of the synagogues, yes, the time will come when whoever kills you will think he does God a service" John 16:2. Muslims have killed and tortured millions of Christians, as did the Catholic hierarchy during the "Inquisition," both having the spirit of antichrist.
Are you prepared to stand before God in judgment for the life you have lived on this earth? The Lord will return soon, in the midst of perilous times, and everyone will stand before Him in judgment. If you are not saved, please visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this website. God bless you.
Tags: "muslim beheads 2 christians" "shariah law"