Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Photo by GPO Israel

 Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made a strong appeal to this administration, after meeting with Secretary of State John Kerry in Rome on Wednesday. Regarding the proposed deal to lift sanctions from Iran, he said,

“I met with Secretary Kerry right before he leaves to Geneva. I reminded him that he said that 'no deal is better than a bad deal.' That deal that is being discussed in Geneva right now is a bad deal. Iran is not required to take apart even one centrifuge, but the international community is relieving sanctions on Iran for the first time after many years. Iran gets everything that it wanted at this stage and pays nothing, and this is when Iran is under severe pressure. I urge Secretary Kerry not to rush to sign, to wait, reconsider, to get a good deal; but this is a bad deal…a very, very bad deal. It’s the deal of a century for Iran; it’s a very dangerous and bad deal for peace and the international community.”

The proposed deal is very bad, if you are on the side of protecting our friend and ally Israel and even your own country, the United States; however, this administration could care less about either. They, Obama and his cohorts, are backed by a sinister and evil agenda that could possibly make Hitler blush for shame. That is a fact, people, whether you wish to believe it or not.

Barack Obama has been lifting sanctions off Iran for months secretly since June 2013, according to Treasury Department notices.

As Iranians sit en mass and shout, “Death to Israel” and “Death to America,” Barack Hussein Obama has a rapport with the leadership of Iran, which should raise red flags to the American people and Israel; but for most, Obama is veiled and his evil is covertly hidden, for now.

The nations are divided on this issue, Barack Obama and the Muslim nations on the far left, with the rest of us, who at least have an ounce of discernment about Iran's maniacal intentions, on the right.

The bottom line? You do not negotiate at all with Muslim terrorists, as they sit en mass and shout "Death to Israel; Death to America!" You simply lambast every one of their nuclear centrifuges and be done with it! Unless, of course, you are on their side...We should all remember that Obama refused to give Israel a "bunker buster" to effectively strike Iran's underground nuclear plant. Not a problem. God will give Israel everything he needs to effectively cripple Iran, Russia, Ethiopia (modern area of Sudan) and Libya (Ezekiel 38); watch it happen!

Not a problem. God is with Israel, as He has been during all of the other wars raged against Israel since the rebirth of the nation, and Israel will slaughter every one who comes against him in the name of the Lord God! As David defeated the great Philistine (Palestinian), Goliath, long ago,

"Then said David to the Philistine, 'You come to me with a sword, with a spear and with a shield; but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied'" 1 Samuel 17:45.

Jesus said,

“Then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be” Matthew 24:21.

According to what Jesus said, the tribulation that is coming will make the holocaust pale in comparison. Our Lord doesn’t lie. Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and the remaining ones will come to pass in their appointed time. There isn’t much time left, however.

The prophecy of Ezekiel 38, the battle of Gog-Magog (modern day Russia and an allied force of Muslim nations against Israel) will occur sometime in the not too distant future. The bride of Christ may see this battle, but the “catching up” of the saints will occur within a very short time as well, according to the lineup of prophecies included in Ezekiel 38-48.

Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth? If not, please visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this website. Your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.