4/19/11, SilentCountry.com: The Obama Administration has issued a gag order on data collected regarding the growing numbers of dead dolphins washing up on the shores of Mississippi and Alabama, including still births. The administration issued a statement to the effect that the gag order is to protect the criminal investigation. First, experts have said the leak could have been prevented by BP before it happened. Once it happened, experts have told Jesse Ventura's investigators that the leak could have been stopped almost immediately, but it was allowed to run, dropping roughly 4 million gallons per day; multiply that by 91 days (see Jesse's video about the oil spill conspiracy on the News Videos page). There was an obvious conspiracy to let the oil roll, according to reliable sources. Three days after the explosion, the Dutch offered to assist the US by sending ships equipped with oil-skimming booms. They also provided a plan for creating sand barriers to protect the sensitive marshlands of the Gulf Coast. According to Geert Visser, General for the Netherlands in Houston, "The embassy got a nice letter from the administration that said basically, "thanks, but no thanks." Does that perplex you? It shouldn't. Barack Obama is a socialist and the only way he can bring about a New World Order is to bankrupt America and destroy her as fast as he can, which would cause our dependence and reliance on a "socialist bailout." Have you heard socialist diplomats on the news since Obama's presidency stating, "Let's not waste a good crisis?" This is a famous term among socialists. In fact, Hitler used national crises to rise to power in Germany. The tactic is used time and time again, at great expense to citizens, but it is the means to the end, so they don't care. The idea is to create such national crises that all citizens become dependent on the government and the government ends up owning everything there is to be owned. Do you wonder why so many people are losing their homes (see News Videos to view the tent cities popping up all over America)?
In : Animal Deaths
"obama administration issued gag order" "never waste a crisis" "socialist tactics"